
In: Computer Science

Implement a simple banking system in Java. Your application should demonstrate the following. Upon running the...

Implement a simple banking system in Java. Your application should demonstrate the following. Upon running the java code, first the application should welcome the user, then ask the user to give one of the options: 1) display the balance summary, 2) withdraw money, or 3) deposit money.

Based on the options your code should perform the following operations such as 1) read the transaction details from a file and display them on the screen. 2) ask the user to enter the amount he wants to withdraw and debit the withdrawal amount from the balance amount. It has to update the file and display the transaction summary. The system should not allow an attempt to withdraw an amount greater than the balance. 3) ask the user to enter the amount he wants to deposit, credit the balance and update the file. It should display the transaction summary.

The records in the file should contain transaction number, transaction type, amount withdrawn, or amount deposited, and balance.

  1. 1 Deposit 100.0$ 1100.0$

  2. 2 Withdraw 50.0$ 1050.0$

The welcome screen should look like:

Welcome to our Banking System!
Enter your Option in a number: 1. Display balance 2. Deposit amount 3. Withdraw amount
We assume that there is an opening balance of 1000 available in the system (Assign balance=1000.0 in the beginning of the code). Also, while running first start by choosing deposit option or withdraw option.


Expert Solution

The package structure of the project is as follows:-

The codes are as below:-

//The output of the program is:-

//banksummary.txt snapshot

//The text file of the codes are provided below:-


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class BankingSystem {

   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
       // TODO Auto-generated method stub

       List<Record> recordList = new ArrayList<>();// list of records to be written on file
       float balance=1000;//initial opening balance
       float total_balance = balance;// total balance now
       int transaction_nos = 0; // initial no transaction is done hence 0

       System.out.println("Welcome to our Banking System!");
       //As per question the bank summary transaction details should be written in a file
       BufferedWriter out = null;
       File outf = new File("banksummary.txt"); // Creation of File Descriptor for output file
       FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(outf, true); // Creation of File Writer object
       out = new BufferedWriter(fw);
       //Initialization of FileWriter done

       loop1: while (true) {
           Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

                   "Enter your Option in a number: 1. Display balance 2. Deposit amount 3. Withdraw amount 4.Exit");

           int option = sc.nextInt();

           if (option == 1) {
               //Displaying in console
               System.out.println(".....................Balance Summary............................");
               System.out.println("Initial_Balance "+balance+"$");
               for (Record record : recordList) {
                   System.out.println(record.getTransaction_number() + " " + record.getTransaction_type() + " "
                           + record.getTransaction_amount() + "$ " + record.getTotal_balance() + "$ ");

           } else if (option == 2) {
               // choosing deposit
               System.out.println("Enter Deposit Amount:");
               float deposit_amt = sc.nextFloat();

               total_balance = total_balance + deposit_amt;// balance after deposit

               Record record = new Record();
               transaction_nos++;// increasing transaction number by 1

               // displaying transaction summary:-
               System.out.println(record.getTransaction_number() + " " + record.getTransaction_type() + " "
                       + record.getTransaction_amount() + "$ " + record.getTotal_balance() + "$ ");

               //Writing in file
               out.append((record.getTransaction_number() + " " + record.getTransaction_type() + " "
                       + record.getTransaction_amount() + "$ " + record.getTotal_balance() + "$ \n"));

           } else if (option == 3) {

               System.out.println("Enter Withdrawal Amount:");
               float withdrawal_amt;
               while (true) {
                   withdrawal_amt = sc.nextFloat();

                   if (withdrawal_amt > total_balance) {
                               "Withdrawal Amount is greater than Available Balance \nRe-Enter correct Withdrawal Amount");
                       // logic to prevent user from entering Withdrawal amt> Available total balance
                       // ask user to re-enter and continue the loop unless user enters correct amount
                   } else {
                       break; //correct amount entered, move to next step
               total_balance = total_balance - withdrawal_amt;// balance after withdrawal

               Record record = new Record();
               transaction_nos++;// increasing transaction number by 1

               // displaying transaction summary:-
               System.out.println(record.getTransaction_number() + " " + record.getTransaction_type() + " "
                       + record.getTransaction_amount() + "$ " + record.getTotal_balance() + "$ ");
               //Writing in file
               out.append((record.getTransaction_number() + " " + record.getTransaction_type() + " "
                       + record.getTransaction_amount() + "$ " + record.getTotal_balance() + "$ \n"));

           } else if (option == 4) {
               break loop1;
               continue loop1;
       } // labelled while loop for displaying options



public class Record {
   int transaction_number;
   String transaction_type;
   float transaction_amount;
   float total_balance;
   public int getTransaction_number() {
       return transaction_number;
   public void setTransaction_number(int transaction_nos) {
       this.transaction_number = transaction_nos;
   public String getTransaction_type() {
       return transaction_type;
   public void setTransaction_type(String transaction_type) {
       this.transaction_type = transaction_type;
   public float getTransaction_amount() {
       return transaction_amount;
   public void setTransaction_amount(float transaction_amount) {
       this.transaction_amount = transaction_amount;
   public float getTotal_balance() {
       return total_balance;
   public void setTotal_balance(float total_balance) {
       this.total_balance = total_balance;


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