In: Psychology
Explain whether you prefer the representation of the Last Supper by Tintoretto, Veronese, or Leonardo da Vinci, identifying specific elements of the Mannerist and Renaissance artistic styles.
This part is easy,
I prefer ______________who is a _____________________ artist.
Renaissance or Mannerist
The two elements of the _____________________ artistic styles that are
Mannerist or Renaissance
interesting to me are 1_________________ and 2________________ and why?
De Vinci is a Renaissance painter-Tintoretto& Veronese are Mannerist painters
Discuss whether you would have sided with Veronese or with Inquisition court, considering the issues of artistic freedom, a right of the patron, and appropriate subject matter. Provide a rationale for your response.
This is easy too. I would have sided with _________________________
Because of His/their views on:
Artistic Freedom which says_________________________________
Right of the Patron which says__________________________________
Appropriate subject Matter which says__________________________
This last one is easy to describe…….
Describe a real modern situation where similar issues arise, like a controversial film, a professor with controversial views, a business owner expressing a religious opinion in public, a business owner who has an employee who is "just different," etc.
The situation you are describing is it:
Artistic Freedom
A right of the Patron
Appropriate subject Matter
I prefer Jacopo Tintoretto who is a Mannerist artist.
The two elements of the Manneristic artistic styles that are interesting to me are
Renaissance was balanced and soft. It was comforting, graceful and very enlightening. Manneristic art was in a way just the opposite, there were a lot of bright colors and levitating figures, images that were not exactly soft and rounded but were crude and elongated. It was a stark difference from the early Renaissance.
De Vinci is a Renaissance painter-Tintoretto & Veronese are Mannerist painters. Discuss whether you would have sided with Veronese or with Inquisition court, considering the issues of artistic freedom, a right of the patron, and appropriate subject matter. Provide a rationale for your response.
I would have sided with Veronese himself.
Because of His/their views on:
Artistic Freedom which says: "We painters use the same license as poets and madmen". At that point in time, religious art was a hot topic and to have answered this for the interrogation at the inquisition, Veronese must have been a calm minded person.
The right of the Patron which is defined as a set of rights and obligations of someone, known as the patron in connection with a gift of land. Veronese himself was a Catholic and did not voluntarily take up hurting religious sentiments but was, in fact, having a satirical take on it.
Appropriate subject Matter which says that an artist has the freedom to interpret and imagine. In spite of this, he was threatened with consequences if the art was not modified. All Veronese did be change the name, and it sits to this day in Gallerie dell'Accademia in Venice.
Describe a real modern situation where similar issues arise, like a controversial film, a professor with controversial views, a business owner expressing a religious opinion in public, a business owner who has an employee who is "just different," etc.
The situation you are describing is it:
Artistic Freedom
A right of the Patron
Appropriate subject Matter
"Artist: Marcel Duchamp, Fountain (1917)
Situation: Artistic Freedom"
It remains to-date, one of the most controversial works of all time. It was a porcelain urinal that was turned upon it's back. It was not a work at all, in the sense it was already available and widely in use. Only the interpretation of the piece was submitted as an art piece to Society of Independent Artists during its inauguration under the name R.Mutt. As expected, it courted controversy and was removed from the exhibit.
He was a member of the board in the society and resigned in protest when his 'work' was not exhibited. As per Duchamp's statements, he says he wanted to draw attention to the fact that art is just a mirage. Though he said it is not like the mirage of the desert that leads to death but is rather a solid mirage.
The social contribution of this piece was such that the prices of replicas and photographs skyrocketed and the original itself was lost. Numerable photographs and innumerable art discussions later, it was regarded as the most influential work of the century.
It is important for the freedom of expression to be upheld. All forms of art come under freedom of expression and governments need to be careful of what is censored, as it has been proven time and again that was is censored is always more popular than what is not.