
In: Computer Science

C++ finish the AVL Tree code: #include "AVLNode.h" #include "AVLTree.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace...

C++ finish the AVL Tree code:

#include "AVLNode.h"
#include "AVLTree.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

AVLTree::AVLTree() {
    root = NULL;

AVLTree::~AVLTree() {
    delete root;
    root = NULL;

// insert finds a position for x in the tree and places it there, rebalancing
// as necessary.
void AVLTree::insert(const string& x) {

// remove finds x's position in the tree and removes it, rebalancing as
// necessary.
void AVLTree::remove(const string& x) {
    root = remove(root, x);

// pathTo finds x in the tree and returns a string representing the path it
// took to get there.
string AVLTree::pathTo(const string& x) const {

// find determines whether or not x exists in the tree.
bool AVLTree::find(const string& x) const {

// numNodes returns the total number of nodes in the tree.
int AVLTree::numNodes() const {

// balance makes sure that the subtree with root n maintains the AVL tree
// property, namely that the balance factor of n is either -1, 0, or 1.
void AVLTree::balance(AVLNode*& n) {

// rotateLeft performs a single rotation on node n with its right child.
AVLNode* AVLTree::rotateLeft(AVLNode*& n) {

// rotateRight performs a single rotation on node n with its left child.
AVLNode* AVLTree::rotateRight(AVLNode*& n) {

// private helper for remove to allow recursion over different nodes.
// Returns an AVLNode* that is assigned to the original node.
AVLNode* AVLTree::remove(AVLNode*& n, const string& x) {
    if (n == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    // first look for x
    if (x == n->value) {
        // found
        if (n->left == NULL && n->right == NULL) {
            // no children
            delete n;
            n = NULL;
            return NULL;
        } else if (n->left == NULL) {
            // Single child (left)
            AVLNode* temp = n->right;
            n->right = NULL;
            delete n;
            n = NULL;
            return temp;
        } else if (n->right == NULL) {
            // Single child (right)
            AVLNode* temp = n->left;
            n->left = NULL;
            delete n;
            n = NULL;
            return temp;
        } else {
            // two children -- tree may become unbalanced after deleting n
            string sr = min(n->right);
            n->value = sr;
            n->right = remove(n->right, sr);
    } else if (x < n->value) {
        n->left = remove(n->left, x);
    } else {
        n->right = remove(n->right, x);

    // Recalculate heights and balance this subtree
    n->height = 1 + max(height(n->left), height(n->right));

    return n;

// min finds the string with the smallest value in a subtree.
string AVLTree::min(AVLNode* node) const {
    // go to bottom-left node
    if (node->left == NULL) {
        return node->value;
    return min(node->left);

// height returns the value of the height field in a node.
// If the node is null, it returns -1.
int AVLTree::height(AVLNode* node) const {
    if (node == NULL) {
        return -1;
    return node->height;

// max returns the greater of two integers.
int max(int a, int b) {
    if (a > b) {
        return a;
    return b;

// Helper function to print branches of the binary tree
// You do not need to know how this function works.
void showTrunks(Trunk* p) {
    if (p == NULL) return;
    cout << p->str;

// Recursive function to print binary tree
// It uses inorder traversal
void AVLTree::printTree(AVLNode* root, Trunk* prev, bool isRight) {
    if (root == NULL) return;

    string prev_str = "    ";
    Trunk* trunk = new Trunk(prev, prev_str);

    printTree(root->right, trunk, true);

    if (!prev)
        trunk->str = "---";
    else if (isRight) {
        trunk->str = ".---";
        prev_str = "   |";
    } else {
        trunk->str = "`---";
        prev->str = prev_str;

    cout << root->value << endl;

    if (prev) prev->str = prev_str;
    trunk->str = "   |";

    printTree(root->left, trunk, false);

    delete trunk;

void AVLTree::printTree() {
    printTree(root, NULL, false);


Expert Solution

#include "AVLNode.h"
#include "AVLTree.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

AVLTree::AVLTree() {
    root = NULL;

AVLTree::~AVLTree() {
    delete root;
    root = NULL;

// insert finds a position for x in the tree and places it there, rebalancing
// as necessary.
void AVLTree::insert(const string & x) 
/ remove finds x's position in the tree and removes it, rebalancing as
// necessary.
void AVLTree::remove(const string & x)
    root = remove(root, x);

// pathTo finds x in the tree and returns a string representing the path it
// took to get there.
string AVLTree::pathTo(const string & x) const 
    return elementAt(pathTo(root));
/ find determines whether or not x exists in the tree.
bool AVLTree::find(const string& x) const
  Avlnode *t;
  while(t!= NULL)
  if(x-> t->element)
  t= t->left;
  else if(t->element<x)
  t= t->right;
  return t;
  return NULL; 


// numNodes returns the total number of nodes in the tree.
int AVLTree::numNodes() const 
   int node=0;
     node= node + numNode(root->left);
     node= node + numNode(root->right);
return node;

// balance makes sure that the subtree with root n maintains the AVL tree
// property, namely that the balance factor of n is either -1, 0, or 1.
void AVLTree::balance(AVLNode*& n)
   if(n== NULL)
   return 0;
    return height(n->left) - height(n->right);

// rotateLeft performs a single rotation on node n with its right child.
AVLNode* AVLTree::rotateLeft(AVLNode*& n)
   AvlNode *n1= n->left;
   n->left = n1->right;
   n1->right = n;
   n-> height= max (height( n->left), height (n->right))+1;
   n1-> height= max (height( n1->left), n->height)+ 1;
   n1= n;  

// rotateRight performs a single rotation on node n with its left child.
AVLNode* AVLTree::rotateRight(AVLNode*& n)
    avlnode *n1 = n->right;
    n->right= n1->left
    n1->left= n;
    n->height= max( height (n->left),height()n->right))+ 1;
    n1->height= max(height (n1->right),n->height) + 1;

// private helper for remove to allow recursion over different nodes.
// Returns an AVLNode* that is assigned to the original node.
AVLNode* AVLTree::remove(AVLNode*& n, const string& x) {
    if (n == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    // first look for x
    if (x == n->value) {
        // found
        if (n->left == NULL && n->right == NULL) {
            // no children
            delete n;
            n = NULL;
            return NULL;
        } else if (n->left == NULL) {
            // Single child (left)
            AVLNode* temp = n->right;
            n->right = NULL;
            delete n;
            n = NULL;
            return temp;
        } else if (n->right == NULL) {
            // Single child (right)
            AVLNode* temp = n->left;
            n->left = NULL;
            delete n;
            n = NULL;
            return temp;
        } else {
            // two children -- tree may become unbalanced after deleting n
            string sr = min(n->right);
            n->value = sr;
            n->right = remove(n->right, sr);
    } else if (x < n->value) {
        n->left = remove(n->left, x);
    } else {
        n->right = remove(n->right, x);

    // Recalculate heights and balance this subtree
    n->height = 1 + max(height(n->left), height(n->right));

    return n;

// min finds the string with the smallest value in a subtree.
string AVLTree::min(AVLNode* node) const {
    // go to bottom-left node
    if (node->left == NULL) {
        return node->value;
    return min(node->left);

// height returns the value of the height field in a node.
// If the node is null, it returns -1.
int AVLTree::height(AVLNode* node) const {
    if (node == NULL) {
        return -1;
    return node->height;

// max returns the greater of two integers.
int max(int a, int b) {
    if (a > b) {
        return a;
    return b;

// Helper function to print branches of the binary tree
// You do not need to know how this function works.
void showTrunks(Trunk* p) {
    if (p == NULL) return;
    cout << p->str;

// Recursive function to print binary tree
// It uses inorder traversal
void AVLTree::printTree(AVLNode* root, Trunk* prev, bool isRight) {
    if (root == NULL) return;

    string prev_str = "    ";
    Trunk* trunk = new Trunk(prev, prev_str);

    printTree(root->right, trunk, true);

    if (!prev)
        trunk->str = "---";
    else if (isRight) {
        trunk->str = ".---";
        prev_str = "   |";
    } else {
        trunk->str = "`---";
        prev->str = prev_str;

    cout << root->value << endl;

    if (prev) prev->str = prev_str;
    trunk->str = "   |";

    printTree(root->left, trunk, false);

    delete trunk;

void AVLTree::printTree() {
    printTree(root, NULL, false);

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