In: Psychology
As we discuss race and racism here is a short "Statement on Race" put out by American Anthropological Association.
After reading the article, reflect on what you have read - what stood out to you?
It is remarkablly observed that racism is created through visible of physical diffrence.Human population is biologically distinct group .so it's common to having diffrence in colour , body , height .we have Physical variation greatly impacted by geographical areas rathen than genes . people lives in high temperature in northern area tend to black colour .I'm tropical areas , diffrent indeginous people have found who have dark skin associated with fizzy hair .so it subjective of division biological population on the basis of arbitrary.Today in American society , racism is social mechanism .There is no meaning of Physical variation but some English and European people creates this diffeence in socity due to develop their dominancy .Racism is growing ideology of inequality which is created by European people for treatment of comqured and enslaved people.This ideology established a great social rigid heirarchy and Difference among European, African and american people institutionalized the thought is superior traits is European people and inferior and negetive ones is indian and black.But in 19th century , when sceince is being to invented , people becomes concious that racism is startegy of colonial people to keep controll over the other indian black inferior people.Racial beliefs constituted myth about diversity of human nature .in 20th century , we have ultimately learned that our set of values , temperament, personalities is shaped by enviornment and culture rather then genes .so anthoprological view that all human have capablity to learn any cultural behaiour . So racism is not barrier in uplifent and development of people in society .so it is clear that racism is not biological product , it is common to having difference that does we are superior or inferior to others but it is the result of historical , contempory social , economical and political circumstances .so , to develop the great harmony and international brother , we should remove such kind mental stigma of racism .