A short condor strategy is used when the underlying asset is
expected to move sharply either up or down (the direction is not
important but the move and size of the move are more important). It
is useful in volatile markets where the trader is unsure of the
direction but is convinved that a possible break out is coming. The
steps involved in a short put condor would be :
- It involves 4 option strike - 2 are bought and 2 are sold. All
puts have same expiration date and are equidistant
- We take the example of Apple stock - current price 190.32 and
we take puts expiring Aug 03, 2018. If the expectation is that the
Apple stock will move sharply either above 195 or fall below 187.5,
then the following can be done with the put options:
- Sell 1 lot 195 put for 6.14
- Buy 1 lot 192.5 for 4.67
- Buy 1 lot 190 for 3.46
- Sell 1 lot 187.5 for 2.50
- Net cash flow : (6.14 -4.67-3.46+2.50) * 100 = 51
- The maximum profit is the upfront cash flows received (less the
commissions & brokerage as applicable). If the stock price
closes above the highest strike 195, then all the options expire
worthless and the upfront received 51 is the profit
- If the stock price closes below 187.5, then all the options get
exercised but the resultant value will be zero (since the options
are equidistant and they are placed in such a way that the profit
on two options will cancel loss on other 2). Hence the profit still
remains at 51 less commissions.
- The maximum loss will be if the Apple stock does not move
beyond the outside bound options but is within the inside two
options . Max loss = difference between strike prices (2.5 in this
case) - the upfront credit received (0.51) (plus commissions).