In: Computer Science
Express each of these statements using quantifiers. Then form the negation of the statement sothat no negation is to the left of a quantifier. Next, express the negation in simple English. In eachcase, identify the domain and specify the predicates.
•No one has lost more than one thousand dollars playing the lottery.
•There is a student in this class who has chatted with exactly one other student.
•No student in this class has sent e-mail to exactly two other students in this class.
• Some student has solved every exercise in this book.
•No student has solved at least one exercise in every section of this book.
No one has lost more than one thousand dollars playing the lottery.
Let L(x, y) mean that person x has lost y dollars playing the lottery.
The original statement is then ¬∃x∃y(y > 1000 ∧ L(x, y)).
Its negation of course is ∃x∃y(y > 1000 ∧ L(x, y))
someone has lost more than 1000 dollars playing the lottery.
There is a student in this class who has chatted with exactly one other student.
Let C(x, y) mean that person x has chatted with person y.
The given statement is ∃x∃y(y ¹ x ∧ ∀z(z ¹ x → (z = y ↔ C(x, z)))).
The negation is therefore ∀x∀y(y ¹ x → ∃z(z ¹ x ∧ ¬(z = y ↔ C(x, z)))).
In English, everybody in this class has either chatted with no one
else or has chatted with two or more others.
No student in this class has sent e-mail to exactly two other students in this class
Let E(x, y) mean that person x has sent e-mail to person y.
The given statement is ¬∃x∃y∃z(y ¹ z ∧ x ¹ y ∧ x ¹ z ∧ ∀w(w ¹ x → (E(x, w) ↔ (w = y ∨ w = z)))).
The negation is obviously
∃x∃y∃z(y ¹ z ∧ x ¹ y ∧ x ¹ z ∧ ∀w(w ¹ x → (E(x, w) ↔ (w = y ∨ w = z)))).
In English,
some student in this class has sent e-mail to exactly two other students in this class.
Some student has solved every exercise in this book.
Let S(x, y) mean that student x has solved exercise y.
The statement is ∃x∀yS(x, y).
The negation is ∀x∃y¬S(x, y).
In English, for every student in this class, there is some exercise that he or she has not solved.
No student has solved at least one exercise in every section of this book.
Let S(x, y) mean that student x has solved exercise y, and let B(y, z) mean that exercise y
is in section z of the book.
The statement is ¬∃x∀z∃y(B(y, z) ∧ S(x, y)).
The negation is of course ∃x∀z∃y(B(y, z) ∧ S(x, y)).
In English, some student has solved at least one exercise in every section of this book.
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