In: Nursing
What components of prevention and public health should be included in clinical education? List at least three and explain your choice.
The components of prevention and public health should included in clinical education are:
Clinical Preventive Services and Health Promotion
Clinical Practice and Population Health
Health Systems and Health Policy
The main component that should be included in the health education is component 2: clinical preventive services and Health promotion. This should include the following:
Screening includes assessment of health risks, setting a criteria for successful screening like listing the effectiveness, benefits, harms, barriers, cost of the screening tests. Before screening a population informed consent should be obtained. There should be an efficient patient physician communication and patient should take place in the decision making. If there is any government policies for screening, it should be followed. The population should be counseled for behavioural changes. The approaches for this includes individual and group counseling skills training and motivational interviewing.
Approaches to vaccination includes pre and post exposure, boosters, techniques for administration, target population and should also include the government Policies. The preventive measures includes lifestyle changes luke diet, exercise, smoking cessation.