Consider the problem of sorting an array A[1, ..., n] of
integers. We presented an O(n log n)-time algorithm in class and,
also, proved a lower bound of Ω(n log n) for any comparison-based
1. Give an efficient sorting algorithm for a boolean1 array
B[1, ..., n].
2. Give an efficient sorting algorithm for an array C[1,...,n]
whose elements are taken from the set
3. Give an efficient sorting algorithm for an array D[1, ...,
n] whose elements are distinct (D[i] ̸= D[j],
for every i ̸= j ∈ {1, ..., n}) and are taken from the set {1,
2, ..., 2n}.
4. In case you designed linear-time sorting algorithms for the
previous subparts, does it mean that
the lower bound for sorting of Ω(n log n) is wrong?
In a boolean array B[1, ..., n], each element B[i] (for i = 1,
..., n) is either 0 or 1.