In: Computer Science
Consider the problem of finding if an array contains a pair of integers with a sum of 100. The array contains n integers.
a. Define the signature (header) of a C++ function that solves this problem (hint: inputs/outputs of function)
b. Write the pseudocode or C++ body of the function (extra credit: write the most efficient algorithm)
c. What is the asymptotic complexity of your algorithm?
d. What would be the complexity of the best algorithm for this problem if the array were sorted?
a) bool check_sum(int arr[],int n,int sum);
Return value = bool
True: if pair with sum 100 exists
False:: otherwise
Input: arr[] of integers
n: size of array
sum : sum = 100 value to be obtained
using namespace std;
bool check_sum(int arr[],int n,int sum){
map <int,int> mp; // use a map
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
int complement = sum - arr[i];
return true; // sum exists so return true
mp[arr[i]] = 1; // put value to map
return false;
int main() {
int n = 5; //size of array
int arr[] = {80,10,20,10,5};
bool res = check_sum(arr,n,100);
if(res == true){
cout<<"A pair with sum = 100 exists";
} else{
cout<<"Pair with Sum = 100 doesn't exist";
return 0;
Code Screenshot:
Code output:
c) The algorithm traverses through array once and uses a map to find if pair exists.
Time: O(n)
Space: O(n)
d) If the array was sorted we can use a two pointer approach to find if the sum exists or not.
Time: O(n)
Space : O(1)