In: Psychology
A human voice is a gift . It should be cherished and used. Exceptional voice tone easily recieve attention and develop a commendable Identity which makes him a public figure. Generally a person shall be public figure whose behaviour and foucs is intend to public interest. A political leader may be public figure who can impress other by his exceptional voice.
Following factor make their voice exceptional
1. Resonance:
Resonance is defined as the quality of sound being as deep ,and reverberating .Reverbertion is important for exceptional voice because it roots of voice is a series of vocal cord vibration.ideally you should reasomate your voice primarily in mouth, balancing bass and can adjust your voice base where you resonate your sound .
2. Relaxation :
Take a big breath and relax before speaking .so the person who have exceptional voice are rare to tensioned and give speach very felxible and relaxed way which which make sound more acceptable and easily get attention.
3. Rythem:
A good Rhythem is a soul of excetioexce and great voice .it means make sound more , one of the best way to somoothing sound is by extending vowel sounds and sliding word more pleasant to ear rather than choppy.
Pacing :pacing is a critical to add depth and dimensions to inner voice .it is better to speak short sentence than long and complex sentence and support by breath.
Voice exceptional is inherent and natural attribute . Besides a person Should have different personalities and traits to make exceptional voice . In littereally sense, exceptional voice are those people who have certain leadership Qualities to lead the nation and attract the people attention. A public figure person who have justice , honesty and his voice represent to soci insclusion , equality , human rights for people.a political leader raise his voice for welfare of nation and justice for people and society .so public figure person above qualities makes his voice exceptional from the ordinary people because he is representator and a leader.