
In: Computer Science

using MIPs assembly, ask the user to enter two numbers. Then multiply the two numbers using...

using MIPs assembly, ask the user to enter two numbers. Then multiply the two numbers using bit shifting (not 'mul'). This should work multiplying 2 positive numbers, 2 negative numbers, and a positive/negative number.

Then output the result and ask user if he/she has more calculations to complete.


Expert Solution


textout:.asciiz "please enter 2 numbers \n"
textout1:.asciiz "please enter 1st number: "
textout2:.asciiz "please enter 2nd number: "
textout3:.asciiz "The product of the numbers is: "
   li $s2,0 #result initialized too zero
   la $a0 textout #print prompt string
   li $v0 4
   la $a0 textout1 #print prompt string
   li $v0 4
   li $v0 5
   move $s0,$v0
   la $a0 textout2 #print prompt string
   li $v0 4
   li $v0 5
   move $s1,$v0
   bltz $s0,a   #check if 1st number is negative if negative jump to a
   bltz $s1,b   #check if 2nd number is negative if negative jump to b
   j multiply

a:   bltz $s1,both #check if 2nd number is negative if both are negative jump to both
   li $t0,1   #flag = 1
   sub $s0,$zero,$s0 # make the 1st number positive
   j multiply
b: li $t0,1   #flag = 1
   sub $s1,$zero,$s1 # make the 2nd number positive
   j multiply

both:   li $t0,2   #if both numbers are negative
   sub $s0,$zero,$s0 # make the 1st number positive
   sub $s1,$zero,$s1 # make the 2nd number positive
   j multiply
multiply: beqz $s1,res
   andi $t1,$s1,1
   beqz $t1,add_s
   add $s2,$s2,$s0
add_s:   sll $s0,$s0,1
   srl $s1,$s1,1
   j multiply
res:   beq $t0,1,neg #if flag = 1 make result negative
   j end
neg:   sub $s2,$zero,$s2
   j end
end:   la $a0 textout3
   li $v0 4
   move $a0,$s2   #print result
   li $v0,1

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