
In: Computer Science

in MIPS assembly, ask a user for two numbers and to either enter a '1' for...

in MIPS assembly, ask a user for two numbers and to either enter a '1' for addition or '2' for subtraction. using jal, jump to the appropriate procedure for additing or subtracting. then print out result and ask if there is another calculation (terminate program if 'no').


Expert Solution


   msg1: .asciiz "\nEnter number 1: "
   msg2: .asciiz "Enter number 2: "
   msg3: .asciiz "Enter operation to be performed (1-addition,2-subtraction):   "
   error_msg: .asciiz "\n\nInvalid input exitig the program."
   result: .asciiz "The result is:   "
   repeat: .asciiz "\nDo you want to perform another calculation?\n(Enter y for yes or n for no)\n"
   char: .space 1
   yes: .asciiz "y"
   no: .asciiz "n"

.globl main
again:   li $v0,4
   la $a0,msg1
   li $v0,5
   move $t0,$v0   #$t0 = number1

   li $v0,4
   la $a0,msg2
   li $v0,5
   move $t1,$v0   #$t1 = number2
   li $v0,4
   la $a0,msg3
   li $v0,5
   move $t2,$v0
   beq $t2,1,addtn
   beq $t2,2,subtn
   li $v0,4
   la $a0,error_msg
   b exit
addtn:   add $t3,$t0,$t1
   b next

subtn:   sub $t3,$t0,$t1

next:   li $v0,4
   la $a0,result
   li $v0,1
   move $a0,$t3
   li $v0,4
   la $a0,repeat
   li $v0,12
   sb $v0,char
   lb $t0,yes
   lb $t1,no
   beq $v0,$t0,again
   beq $v0,$t1,exit
   li $v0,4
   la $a0,error_msg


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