In: Computer Science
Compare and contrast a fully relational DBMS with Excel in the
following areas.
1 Volume of data (number of rows)
2 Relationships of tables
3 Searching efficiency
4 Normalization
5 Update concurrency
1. Volume of data.
Data volume is large in a relational database in comparison with Excel. Excel can store small volume of data.
2.Relationship of tables
Relational DBMS database have tables containing rows and columns. It also maintain relationship among the tables.
Excel also stores the data in a tabular format in the form of rows and columns. It does not maintain relationship among the tables.
3. Searching Efficiency
In RDBMS searching is efficient than excel. It provides indexing. It provides efficient searching for huge volume of data.
Excel is not that efficient in searching unlike RDBMS. It is good for searching in small volume of data.
4. Normalization
It is a process of splitting the larger table in to smaller tables to reduce data redundancy. It can be implemented easily in Relational DBMS. It it hard to implement it in Excel, it requires more time and effort.
5. Update concurreny.
It is a feature in Relational DBMS. It uses several protocols to overcome problems of concurrency control like Lock based protocol,Time-stamp protocol,Validation based protocol.
Concurrency update in Excel can be done by users. It also supports multiple users to simultaneously update the data in the excel.