In: Computer Science
**JAVA** Exercise
•Consider an input file of test scores in reverse ABC order:
Yeilding Janet 87
White Steven 84
Todd Kim 52
Tashev Sylvia 95...
•Write code to print the test scores in ABC order using a stack.
–What if we want to further process the tests after printing?
Thank you for any and all help! :)
import; // for exception handling
import java.util.*;
public class Print_in_ABC_format {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Stack<String> stack = new Stack<String>(); // creating a new empty stack
try {
File myObj = new File("aniket.txt"); // creating a file object
Scanner myReader = new Scanner(myObj); // Reading the file
while (myReader.hasNextLine()) { // This loop runs till the file has data in next lines
String data = myReader.nextLine(); // Actually getting the data in the data variable
stack.push(data); // pushing the data in the stack
myReader.close(); // closing the resource after using
while(!stack.empty()){ // loop will run until stack is not empty
String ss=stack.peek();
System.out.println(ss); // printing the element
stack.pop(); // removing the top element
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("Error:File Not Found"); // if file not found this portion executes
Above is the java code for the given Question.
I have written comments against every line so that it's easy to understand the code.