In: Computer Science
You are asking to develop a “Triangle Guessing” game in Python for the assignment. The program accepts the lengths of three (3) sides of a triangle as input from a player. The program output should indicate whether the triangle is a right triangle, an acute triangle, or an obtuse triangle.
1.Tips to help you for this assignment: Make sure each side of the triangle is a positive integer. Use try/except for none positive integer input.
2. Validating the triangle. That is the sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the length of the third side. Use try/except for invalid sides input.
3. For any wrong input, tell the player what is wrong and asking to re-enter.
4. Allow a player to play multiple times, for example, using a while loop. Remind the player what input to stop the game.
5. Develop your game/program a user friendly one. Document your program by adding comments: Introduce/describe the program including the author, date, goal/purpose of the program Document every variable used at the program even the name is meaningful Explain/comment operation/activity/logic of your code. For example, “Checking whether the inputs are positive integers” and “Checking the validity the 3 lengths to see if they are able to form a triangle”
6. Testing your program for all possible input and every of the 3 possible triangles
Program to find the type of triangle
Accept only positive integers as sides of
Check valid triangle, two sides always greater than
3rd side
Find largest side from 3 sides
Use pythogorean concept to find type of triangle
#Function treturn largest side from given 3 sides
def findLarge(side1,side2,side3):
if side1>side2 and side1>side3:
return side1
elif side2>side1 and side2>side3:
return side2
return side3
#Function print the type of triangle
def findTriangleType(side1,side2,side3):
#If 2 sides squared sum greater than large side
squared then accute
print('Given triangle is
acute triangle!!!')
#If 2 sides squared sum less than large side
squared then obtuse
print('Given triangle is
obtuse triangle!!!')
#If 2 sides squared sum equal to the large side
squared then right angled
print('Given triangle is
right angle triangle!!!')
#Main method
def main():
#Loop unti user prefer
#Prompt for sides and error check
side1=int(input('Enter side1 length: '))
assert side1>0
side2=int(input('Enter side2 length: '))
assert side2>0
side3=int(input('Enter side3 length: '))
assert side3>0
#Valid side check
if(side1+side2<=side3 or side1+side2<=side2 or
raise ValueError('Error!!Sum of 2 sides of a triangle must be
greater than third side!!')
#Call function
ch=input('Do you want to check other triangle(y/n): ')
while(ch!='y' and ch!='Y' and ch!='n' and ch!='N'):
print('ERROR!!Please enter y or n')
ch=input('Do you want to check other triangle(y/n): ')
if ch=='n'or ch=='N':
print('Ending the program...')
#Error catching
print("Oops! That was not a positive integer number. Try
except ValueError as
Enter side1 length: -5
Oops! That was not a positive integer number. Try again...
Enter side1 length: 1
Enter side2 length: 10
Enter side3 length: 12
Error!!Sum of 2 sides of a triangle must be greater than third
Enter side1 length: 7
Enter side2 length: 10
Enter side3 length: 5
Given triangle is obtuse triangle!!!
Do you want to check other triangle(y/n): t
ERROR!!Please enter y or n
Do you want to check other triangle(y/n): y
Enter side1 length: 8
Enter side2 length: 17
Enter side3 length: 15
Given triangle is right angle triangle!!!
Do you want to check other triangle(y/n): y
Enter side1 length: 4
Enter side2 length: 6
Enter side3 length: 7
Given triangle is acute triangle!!!
Do you want to check other triangle(y/n): n
Ending the program...