
In: Operations Management

Compare and contrast any two leadership theories and apply to group development. Be sure to discuss...

Compare and contrast any two leadership theories and apply to group development. Be sure to discuss the utility and limitations of each theory. Where in your own experience do you see these approaches to leadership utilized? To what extent do you see these two theories as being appropriate for your own leadership philosophy?


Expert Solution

Born to Lead: Trait Theory of Leadership

The trait theory is based on the possibility that there are explicit alluring qualities that have been demonstrated to be significant in distinguishing pioneers, as indicated by an article about attribute hypothesis on Indeed. These are generally innate characteristics, showing themselves in the "conceived pioneer" that really want to take control and guide circumstances. Characteristic hypothesis focuses on that there are fundamental character markers that set chiefs apart from adherents.

In a business following this model, the executives is continually examining and dissecting the activities of their representatives to see which laborers show the important "initiative potential." Examples of these attributes are aspiration, inspiration to succeed, mystique, mental fortitude, great correspondence, passionate equalization to deal with difficult stretches, sympathy for their workers, and a longing to lead.

Example of Trait theory

As a supervisor of an enterprise, Steve Jobs drives the Mac group starting with only1300$ of Working money to the advancement of Market an incentive with 762 million dollars constantly of 2011. And from a family workshop with two individuals created to almost 50000 representatives in the global. The accomplishment of Jobs is firmly connected with his own traits. In 1997, when he became the CEO of Macintosh company, he settled on an indispensable choice which turns the emergency circumstance that he declines the kinds of items from 350types to just 10types. Concentrate on innovative work of 10 kinds item intricately, the organization benefit expanded with a high caliber of productions. The administration attribute of confidence and conclusiveness is completely introduced however this example, and his knowledge, controlling with an emergency can not be disregarded also.

Learn to Lead: Behavioral Theory of Leadership

The Behavioral theory dismisses any discussion about "characteristic potential" or "attribute" ways to deal with initiative. In the conduct speculations, there are no "conceived pioneers." As clarified in an article about authority styles on Western Governors University's site, pioneers can be prepared and attributes that a pioneer must-have can be instructed and created.

Subsequently, anybody can turn into a pioneer, yet they should have the correct condition and preparing for administration characteristics to create. Social hypothesis examines various sorts of administration styles, characterized by how they make a move. For instance, individuals arranged pioneers may assemble a group and conceptualize thoughts; task-situated pioneers could pick the best individual to take care of business rapidly; tyrannical pioneers would simply guide everybody.

Example of Behavioural theory

An ordinary case of Autocratic administration is STRONG organization which is as of now the world's biggest deals endeavor of jam, pudding ,ocean growth and other recreational sort of has severe creation chain,and concern more about creation than staffs.In the workshop, the staffs simply need to adhere to the exacting standard during their work, its objective is to item high caliber and High yield of food. Complexity to Autocratic initiative, the Democratic authority is all the more benevolent, a model is McDonald.Today the McDonald not exclusively is a food industry yet additionally an assistance industry,leaders need to speak with staffs to satisfy their needs then they would work with excitement and fulfillment, thus,gain better benefit to company,staffs get more prize too.


The principle comparability is that the two methodologies distinguish activities that any pioneer must have the capacity to do in some random circumstance. Behaviorism is an "attribute" hypothesis as in it, as well, holds that pioneers must show certain basic character markers or propensities for mind. The conduct hypothesis of initiative and the quality hypothesis of authority generally concede to the kinds of practices and activities that make a decent pioneer, regardless of whether they allude to them as practices, attributes or activities.

An article on Mind Tools says research has demonstrated that in either hypothesis - just as others - pioneers must figure out the proper behavior in differing circumstances. It isn't sufficient to build up the attractive attributes or practices for initiative. Given the characteristic hypothesis and conduct hypothesis of administration qualities and shortcomings, Leaders must figure out how to perceive acceptable behavior relying upon the circumstance so as to have the best result.


The significant contrast between the behavioral theory of leadership and the trait theory of leadership is the manner in which individuals can become pioneers. Turning into a pioneer, as per the behaviorist way of thinking, is simply an issue of appropriate preparing to create initiative characteristics, so anybody can be prepared to turn into a pioneer. Quality hypothesis, be that as it may, holds that a pioneer must be brought into the world with these attributes that will make them act a specific way. Basically, they are "conceived pioneers."

Analyze, for instance, two totally different individuals. One is a cordial extrovert who has consistently could spur others to meet their objectives. The other is bashful, calm spoken, task-arranged and wants to work alone. From the start, it is normal to state the cordial social butterfly is a conceived pioneer, while the tranquil maverick would be in a strange spot as a pioneer, and attribute scholars would concur. Conduct scholars, however, would state with the correct initiative preparing and advancement of the alluring practices, both can turn out to be acceptable pioneers.

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