
In: Economics

FIRST PART: The Stata file ceosalary.dta contains data on the characteristics of 177 chief executive o?cers,...

FIRST PART: The Stata file ceosalary.dta contains data on the characteristics of 177 chief executive o?cers, which we will use to examine the e?ects of firm performance on CEO salary. The variables in the dataset include 1. salary (1990 compensation, $1000s), 2. age (in years), 3. college (=1 if attended college), 4. grad (=1 if attended graduate school), 5. comten (years with company), 6. ceoten (years as ceo with company), 7. sales (1990 firm sales, millions), 8. profits (1990 profits, millions), 9. mktval (market value, end 1990, millions). a. Load the dataset & inspect characteristics of it: What is the total count of observations in the dataset, how many variables there are in the dataset? b. Generate a summary table with sample means, standard deviations, and Minimum/maximum values for all the variables. c. How many dummy variables are in the data set? d. Are years the person stays with the company as ceo correlated with the salary? e. Is there any relationship between salary and years stayed with the company as ceo? Provide a two-way graph of the variables showing the relationship between the two. f. Run a single regression of salary over years the worker stays with the company as ceo. Is the result supporting your answer to the previous part? g. Do differences in years workers stayed with the company as CEO explain a lot of variation of their salaries? h. Imagine “age” is the variable missing in your single linear regression model above. Is this variable causing omitted variable bias? If yes, is it upward or downward bias? i. Include age in the regression and run a MLRM with age and years as ceo. Did the coefficient of the previous regression change substantially? j. Generate a dummy variable which takes value of 0 if worker is less than 50 years old and 1 otherwise. k. Run a regression of salary on the dummy you created and interpret the coefficient. l. Provide the scatter plot and the regression line for part k. m. Estimate a regression of salary on firm sales and market value. Interpret the e?ects of sales and market value on salaries of CEOs n. Add profits and ceoten to the model. Which firm characteristics are significant determinant of salaries? Interpret the e?ect of an additional year of CEO tenure on salaries. o. Did the coefficient or firm sales change dramatically from part G to part H by adding more regressors? Was the coefficient suffering from omitted variable bias? p. EXTRA CREDIT: Check for heteroscedasticity for the regression of salary and ceoten, what would be the issue if there exist heteroscedasticity? what do you suggest statistically to correct for it? salary age college grad comten ceoten sales profits mktval

salary age college grad comten ceoten sales profits mktval
1161 49 1 1 9 2 6200 966 23200
600 43 1 1 10 10 283 48 1100
379 51 1 1 9 3 169 40 1100
651 55 1 0 22 22 1100 -54 1000
497 44 1 1 8 6 351 28 387
1067 64 1 1 7 7 19000 614 3900
945 59 1 0 35 10 536 24 623
1261 63 1 1 32 8 4800 191 2100
503 47 1 1 4 4 610 7 454
1094 64 1 1 39 5 2900 230 3900
601 54 1 1 26 7 1200 34 533
355 66 1 0 39 8 560 8 477
1200 72 1 0 37 37 796 35 678
697 51 1 0 25 1 8200 234 5700
1041 63 1 1 21 11 4300 91 1400
245 44 1 1 7 7 135 24 558
817 68 1 0 38 4 1300 55 847
1675 71 0 0 31 12 674 115 1200
971 72 1 1 33 24 1400 69 609
609 58 1 0 36 1 1100 69 880
470 60 1 1 20 6 2300 210 2200
867 59 1 0 36 14 884 81 1500
752 54 1 0 32 4 1600 193 3200
246 51 1 0 8 8 78 13 458
825 56 1 1 4 4 10700 295 5900
358 50 1 1 23 4 99 25 2300
1162 58 1 0 24 6 3800 226 1800
270 43 1 0 15 2 150 28 713
829 56 1 0 14 8 2200 184 1500
300 77 0 0 45 26 6900 483 4700
1627 62 1 1 13 4 8300 596 9100
1237 63 1 1 37 9 4600 108 6200
540 61 1 1 37 1 5200 549 5600
1798 66 1 1 21 14 24300 338 12500
474 40 1 0 18 1 2700 117 2000
1336 60 1 1 21 13 4500 562 4300
541 51 1 0 30 4 1400 82 1200
129 66 1 1 4 4 59 28 412
1700 54 1 1 21 5 6800 1200 20400
1750 66 1 1 31 24 16200 1400 17900
624 61 1 1 21 13 1100 109 934
791 66 1 0 14 8 2300 -60 487
1487 51 1 0 3 3 22200 182 2800
2021 56 1 0 34 3 51300 2700 42900
1550 47 1 1 19 3 1100 120 4900
401 64 1 0 44 8 571 57 670
1295 62 1 0 8 8 10700 1300 16400
449 56 1 0 31 1 661 37 538
456 56 1 1 9 3 381 34 6700
1142 53 1 1 30 1 28000 1900 26300
577 64 1 0 26 2 3000 287 5700
600 56 1 1 18 7 11700 -40 4000
649 44 1 1 4 4 336 17 475
822 60 1 0 22 20 896 77 752
1080 52 1 0 18 5 388 55 1600
1738 54 0 0 34 12 10700 842 15400
581 54 1 0 19 19 408 23 403
912 54 1 0 9 9 2600 239 2400
650 69 1 0 37 13 261 40 817
2199 52 1 1 8 8 5600 475 6300
609 53 1 1 15 15 567 34 498
1946 73 1 0 25 21 7800 484 8000
552 52 1 0 30 1 2800 308 3500
481 59 1 1 26 4 611 90 667
526 45 1 0 8 7 2400 106 2000
471 60 1 0 3 2 160 7 425
630 56 1 0 29 1 1700 -55 420
622 57 1 0 35 4 2500 143 1200
999 52 1 0 28 17 159 21 398
585 60 1 1 36 10 1700 33 449
1107 57 1 0 17 6 2200 149 1100
1099 59 1 0 34 10 8600 182 1800
425 86 1 1 13 13 36 11 644
2792 40 1 0 11 11 534 35 888
350 54 1 0 31 4 1000 46 812
363 58 1 1 36 6 717 80 880
2265 63 1 1 35 6 18000 1700 18800
377 45 1 0 7 5 238 57 1200
879 63 1 1 21 9 1700 212 4900
720 49 1 0 12 12 672 23 1400
950 63 1 0 27 14 2600 6 1500
1143 67 0 0 23 3 1800 56 918
1064 58 1 0 27 3 3500 195 2600
1253 60 1 1 36 5 2600 142 3700
462 58 1 1 23 0 1400 50 769
174 69 1 0 13 13 29 6 390
474 63 1 0 41 4 2200 175 2600
1248 48 1 1 21 7 3500 423 7300
1101 62 1 1 32 3 954 96 1200
348 43 1 1 12 10 586 79 1400
650 55 1 1 28 5 5700 -438 817
875 58 1 1 32 10 5300 308 2200
1600 61 1 0 4 1 12300 877 9400
1500 55 1 1 30 4 7900 665 4800
323 39 1 1 15 3 637 63 517
459 59 1 0 33 3 785 40 1400
925 56 1 1 26 12 3300 67 2200
375 46 1 1 4 4 599 20 501
447 53 1 0 4 1 143 16 527
1340 55 1 0 13 10 1400 131 2900
1749 57 1 1 26 11 8100 40 10000
491 43 1 1 21 2 561 54 521
5299 64 1 0 42 13 2400 119 1500
431 58 1 1 33 3 815 36 550
729 50 1 1 15 3 2000 182 2600
1284 54 1 1 32 3 12300 1300 19600
1373 57 1 0 36 8 14300 1600 23600
989 40 1 0 18 5 439 30 582
515 52 1 1 27 1 1100 51 889
1301 50 1 1 19 15 1800 130 1600
834 58 1 0 35 1 4400 63 890
849 46 1 1 24 24 538 36 473
100 61 1 1 26 26 2700 394 10100
679 62 1 0 40 6 4900 -463 1400
567 56 1 0 31 10 597 65 1700
559 54 1 0 22 2 2100 13 686
704 52 1 1 6 6 50 8 903
308 45 1 1 14 14 210 39 1900
1392 48 1 1 6 6 4800 51 1100
389 55 1 0 29 4 478 38 420
790 69 1 0 45 37 1200 140 3200
396 80 1 0 58 28 513 53 963
398 54 1 0 4 4 633 69 1800
707 46 1 1 6 1 130 26 1200
984 60 1 0 7 4 1500 135 1700
410 55 1 0 36 20 501 34 590
1095 60 1 1 33 5 27600 1400 17100
694 61 1 1 35 19 4200 75 1000
834 61 1 1 32 0 7600 364 5300
1630 39 1 1 8 8 227 27 822
493 55 1 1 4 1 1300 80 834
625 57 0 0 36 9 1400 87 979
483 52 1 1 18 14 1000 35 548
733 60 1 0 8 8 347 18 778
2102 67 1 1 41 20 10300 1700 45400
853 58 1 0 34 34 818 33 411
345 54 1 1 33 0 994 56 781
800 57 1 1 12 9 1800 32 479
764 55 1 1 31 16 1100 145 2100
806 59 1 1 3 3 3000 257 3900
310 40 1 0 18 1 2400 60 1300
1119 61 1 0 34 9 2500 71 1200
1287 59 1 1 4 3 4700 222 2700
1170 57 1 1 9 3 1900 208 5600
880 62 1 0 36 12 5300 229 4000
1091 33 1 0 9 9 181 36 1300
1100 65 1 0 18 6 563 -271 544
650 53 1 1 5 4 1482 40 557
607 38 1 1 7 3 231 38 599
1133 63 1 0 9 9 870 37 686
393 58 1 1 36 6 285 40 956
605 53 1 0 16 4 422 30 505
1444 59 1 1 2 2 6204 401 10700
1033 62 1 1 30 1 5400 478 7300
1142 50 1 1 11 3 2600 166 2200
537 46 1 1 20 20 1200 17 669
693 42 1 0 17 12 1400 206 3000
439 57 1 1 26 12 2600 280 3800
358 64 1 0 43 11 584 45 423
1276 64 1 0 41 17 635 52 1300
873 41 1 1 2 2 149 21 567
537 57 1 1 35 1 11400 210 4800
713 57 1 1 12 2 1600 55 1300
1350 68 1 1 5 5 3300 92 2100
1268 47 1 0 20 4 1100 47 2500
465 64 1 1 31 3 2400 326 2400
693 46 1 1 7 3 2200 44 533
369 49 1 1 4 1 65 -132 1200
381 54 1 0 30 2 2700 386 4500
467 49 1 1 13 0 513 49 534
559 57 1 1 34 16 605 56 653
218 57 1 1 33 5 504 41 421
264 63 1 0 42 3 334 43 480
185 58 1 0 39 1 766 49 560
387 71 1 1 32 13 432 28 477
2220 63 1 1 18 18 277 -80 540
445 69 1 0 23 0 249 31 828


Expert Solution

Part 1) There are 177 observations in the dataset.

The total number of variables in the dataset is 9

Part 2)




Std. Dev.

























































Part 3) There are two dummy variables in the dataset.

Part 4)








As can be seen from the above table the correlation coefficient between the tenure of the CEO in the company and salary is very low (0.14) so one can say that the number of years a person stays with the company as CEO is not correlated with the salary.

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