
In: Nursing

  On work-up of hypertensive patient, you notice the sodium is 155, and potassium is 2.9. What...

  On work-up of hypertensive patient, you notice the sodium is 155, and potassium is 2.9. What is your initial thoughts on why this happened?


Expert Solution


Salt's consequences for your body

Salt deals with your kidneys to influence your body to clutch more water.

This additional put away water raises your circulatory strain and puts strain on your kidneys, supply routes, heart and cerebrum.

To discover more about salt's consequences for your body, please tap on the connections beneath:

•           Kidneys

•           Arteries

•           Heart

•           Brain


Your body evacuates undesirable liquid by sifting your blood through your kidneys. Here any additional liquid is sucked out and put into your bladder to be expelled as pee.

To do this, your kidneys utilize osmosis to draw the additional water out of your blood. This procedure utilizes a sensitive adjust of sodium and potassium to pull the water over a mass of cells from the circulatory system into a gathering channel that prompts the bladder.

Eating salt raises the measure of sodium in your circulatory system and wrecks the fragile adjust, diminishing the capacity of your kidneys to expel the water.

The outcome is a higher pulse because of the additional liquid and additional strain on the sensitive veins prompting the kidneys.

After some time, this additional strain can harm the kidneys - known as kidney infection. This diminishes their capacity to sift through undesirable and dangerous waste items, which at that point begin to develop in the body.

In the event that kidney sickness is left untreated and the circulatory strain isn't brought down, the harm can prompt kidney disappointment. This is the point at which the kidneys are never again ready to be channel the blood and the body gradually progresses toward becoming harmed by its own poisonous waste items.

In the event that you have hypertension and are being treated with a diuretic medicine, this makes the kidneys expel more liquid from the circulatory system. Since the sodium in salt balances this impact, lessening your salt admission will influence your blood to weight pharmaceutical more successful.


The additional circulatory strain caused by eating excessively salt puts additional strain on the internal parts of your conduits.

To adapt to the additional strain, the little muscles in the corridor dividers end up more grounded and thicker. However this lone makes the space inside the veins littler and raises your pulse much higher.

This cycle of expanding circulatory strain (which happens gradually finished various years) can at last prompt the conduits blasting or ending up so restricted that they at that point stop up altogether.

At the point when this happens, the organs of the body that were accepting the blood from the corridors end up kept from the oxygen and supplements they require. This can bring about the organs being harmed and can be deadly.


The raised circulatory strain caused by eating excessively salt may harm the corridors prompting the heart.

At to begin with, it might cause a slight lessening in the measure of blood achieving the heart. This may prompt angina (sharp agonies in the chest while being dynamic).

With this condition the cells in the heart don't fill in and in addition they ought to in light of the fact that they are not sufficiently accepting oxygen and supplements. Be that as it may, bringing circulatory strain may help down to lighten a portion of the issues and lessen the danger of more prominent harm.

In the event that you keep on eating excessively salt at that point, after some time, the harm caused by the additional circulatory strain may turn out to be severe to the point that the conduits burst or turn out to be totally stopped up.

On the off chance that this happens, at that point the piece of the heart that was accepting the blood never again gets the oxygen and supplements it needs and kicks the bucket. The outcome is a heart assault.

The most ideal approach to keep a heart assault is to stop the veins getting to be harmed. Furthermore, a standout amongst other methods for doing this is hold your pulse around eating less salt.


The raised circulatory strain caused by eating excessively salt may harm the supply routes prompting the mind.

At in the first place, it might cause a slight decrease in the measure of blood achieving the cerebrum. This may prompt dementia (known as vascular dementia).

With this condition the cells in the mind don't fill in and they ought to in light of the fact that they are not getting enough oxygen and supplements. Nonetheless, bringing circulatory strain may help down to lighten a portion of the issues and decrease the danger of more noteworthy harm.

On the off chance that you keep on eating excessively salt at that point, after some time, the harm caused by the additional circulatory strain may turn out to be severe to the point that the veins burst or turn out to be totally stopped up.

On the off chance that this happens, at that point the piece of the cerebrum that was accepting the blood never again gets the oxygen and supplements it needs and kicks the bucket. The outcome is, where you lose the capacity to do the things that piece of the cerebrum used to control.

The most ideal approach to keep a stroke is to stop the supply routes getting to be harmed. What's more, a standout amongst other methods for doing this is hold your circulatory strain around eating less salt.


Understanding the heart-sound advantages of potassium

Nourishments that are rich in potassium are imperative in overseeing hypertension (HBP or hypertension) since potassium decreases the impacts of sodium. The more potassium you eat, the more sodium you lose through pee. Potassium likewise facilitates strain in your vein dividers, which encourages bring down pulse.

Expanding potassium through eating regimen is prescribed in grown-ups with circulatory strain over 120/80 who are generally sound. Potassium can be hurtful in patients with kidney infection, any condition that influences how the body handles potassium, or the individuals who take certain pharmaceuticals. The choice of whether to take abundance potassium ought to be talked about with your specialist.

Potassium and your eating regimen

The suggested potassium admission for a normal grown-up is 4,700 milligrams (mg) every day.

Huge numbers of the components of the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) consume less calories — organic products, vegetables, without fat or low-fat (1 percent) dairy sustenances and fish — are great regular wellsprings of potassium. For instance, a medium banana has around 420 mg of potassium and a large portion of a measure of plain squashed sweet potatoes has 475 mg.

Other potassium-rich nourishments include:

  • Apricots and apricot juice
  • Avocados
  • Melon and honeydew melon
  • Without fat or low-fat (1 percent) drain
  • Without fat yogurt
  • Grapefruit and grapefruit juice (converse with your human services supplier in case you're taking a cholesterol-bringing down medication)
  • Greens
  • Halibut
  • Lima beans
  • Molasses
  • Mushrooms
  • Oranges and squeezed orange
  • Peas
  • Potatoes
  • Prunes and prune juice
  • Raisins and dates
  • Spinach
  • Tomatoes, tomato juice and tomato sauce
  • Fish

Potassium is just a single part of a balanced arrangement for circulatory strain wellbeing

Despite the fact that potassium can reduce the circulatory strain raising impacts of sodium, eating more potassium ought to be joined with your endeavors to part ways with that abundance salt and create other adhering to a good diet and way of life propensities.

Is it conceivable to have excessively potassium?

A lot of potassium can be hurtful in individuals with kidney issue. As kidneys turn out to be less ready to expel potassium from your blood, a lot of potassium may develop.

Frequently, similar to hypertension, there aren't numerous side effects of high potassium (hyperkalemia). Feeling debilitated to your stomach, a low, powerless or sporadic heartbeat and blacking out may happen with elevated amounts of potassium.

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