
In: Computer Science

Write c code program for the following Write a function, circle, which takes the radius of...

Write c code program for the following

Write a function, circle, which takes the radius of a circle from the main function and assign the area of the circle to the variable, area, and the perimeter of the circle to the variable, perimeter. Hint: The function should have three variables as input. Since the contents of the variables are to be modified by a function, it is necessary to use pointers.

Please type out the full usable program. Thank you.


Expert Solution

#define PI 3.14

//function to calculate area and perimeter and assign to the call by reference arguments
int circle(float radius, float *area, float *perimeter)
   *area = PI * radius * radius;
   *perimeter = 2 * PI * radius;

int main()
   float radius,area,perimeter;
   printf("Enter radius: ");
   printf("Area = %.2f\n",area);
   printf("Perimeter = %.2f\n",perimeter);

//Code Snippet


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