In: Economics
1.What are Apple's ethical shortcomings?
2.Is Apple's business model essentially unethical?
3.Why have ethical shortcominas not appeared to adversely affect Apple's share price?
4.Would you purchase shares in Apple, and why?
Answer 1 - the ethical shortcomings of apple appl
Answer 2 - yes In some ways apple business- model in unethical due to following reasons-
Answer 3 - Apple share price is not adversely effected by ethical shortcomings this is because of apple performance remain constant and sustainable and there is another financial strategy of company as they purchase their own dhare dh order to raise the stock price
Answer 4 - yes i i wou like to purchase the share of Apple company because if it goodwill in the maket and constant and sustainable performance . for example if you have taken the share of apple company in the year 2019 then at the end of year you money have just been double therefore such examples inspire to purchase shares in apply company