
In: Computer Science

Decode the following secret ASCII message (reading across): 100 1000 110 0001 111 0110 110 0101...

Decode the following secret ASCII message (reading across):

100 1000 110 0001 111 0110 110 0101

010 0000 110 0001 010 0000 110 1110

110 1001 110 0011 110 0101 010 0000

110 0100 110 0001 111 1001 010 0001

Decode the following secret ASCII message (reading across):

100 1101 110 0101 110 0101 111 0100

010 0000 110 0001 111 0100 010 0000

110 1101 110 1001 110 0100 110 1110

110 1001 110 0111 110 1000 111 0100

010 1110


Expert Solution

1001000 -> 72 -> H
1100001 -> 97 -> a
1110110 -> 118 -> v
1100101 -> 101 -> e
0100000 -> 32 ->
1100001 -> 97 -> a
0100000 -> 32 ->
1101110 -> 110 -> n
1101001 -> 105 -> i
1100011 -> 99 -> c
1100101 -> 101 -> e
0100000 -> 32 ->
1100100 -> 100 -> d
1100001 -> 97 -> a
1111001 -> 121 -> y
0100001 -> 33 -> !
1001000110000111101101100101010000011000010100000110111011010011100011110010101000001100100110000111110010100001 in ASCII is Have a nice day!
Answer: Have a nice day!

1001101 -> 77 -> M
1100101 -> 101 -> e
1100101 -> 101 -> e
1110100 -> 116 -> t
0100000 -> 32 ->  
1100001 -> 97 -> a
1110100 -> 116 -> t
0100000 -> 32 ->  
1101101 -> 109 -> m
1101001 -> 105 -> i
1100100 -> 100 -> d
1101110 -> 110 -> n
1101001 -> 105 -> i
1100111 -> 103 -> g
1101000 -> 104 -> h
1110100 -> 116 -> t
0101110 -> 46 -> .
10011011100101110010111101000100000110000111101000100000110110111010011100100110111011010011100111110100011101000101110 in ASCII is Meet at midnight.
Answer: Meet at midnight.

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