
In: Computer Science

Java Script Computer science Mad Libs Program - Mad Libs is a paper and pencil game...

Java Script
Computer science
Mad Libs Program -

Mad Libs is a paper and pencil game where a leader asks a group for specific words (nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, names, numbers) that are then replaced in a story. The group does not know what the story is so the replaced words usually make the story funny.

You will write a Java Script program that:
* Informs the user what the program does using an alert
* Asks the user for eight words (two nouns, two verbs, three adjectives, and one adverb) using prompts
* Replace an existing story that you have already written with the words given to you by the user
* Show the new story
You will need to create a short story (three or four sentences) that contains the types of words you are asking the user to give you. You will be able to display the new story using document.write

You code needs all of the HTML required code and a comment. Save this file to your shared class folder, making sure you name it correctly using the class file naming convention.


Expert Solution

****This requires some effort so please drop a like if you are satisfied with the solution****




        <script src="index.js"></script>



        <button onclick="replace()">Click me</button>




var str="I am a good person He is very bad my name is Mark and his name is Albert he is doing great but feeling bad very rarely 100% fully"



function replace(){

words.push(window.prompt("Enter a adjective"))

words.push(window.prompt("Enter a adjective"))

words.push(window.prompt("Enter a verb"))

words.push(window.prompt("Enter a verb"))

words.push(window.prompt("Enter a adverb"))

words.push(window.prompt("Enter a adverb"))

words.push(window.prompt("Enter a name"))

words.push(window.prompt("Enter a name"))

words.push(window.prompt("Enter a number"))

story=str.split(" ");





















story=story.join(" ");


var newStory=story;




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