
In: Computer Science

Declare and define a class for a fraction number. A fraction in mathematics is defined as...

Declare and define a class for a fraction number. A fraction in mathematics is defined as a/b, where a and b are integers and called numerator and denominator.



  • Define a fraction class that has the following member functions:
    • constructor that initializes the fraction by default arguments.
    • set function that sets the numerator of the fraction.
    • set function that sets the denominator of the fraction.
    • get function that returns the numerator of the fraction.
    • get function that returns the denominator of the fraction.
    • a function that displays the fraction.
  • Write the class in header and implementation files, and compile it separately from the client program. Name the files as fraction.h and fraction.cpp.
  • Document the class following the example of the point class posted on D2L.
  • Write a test program to show all your member functions work before you move to Task2. Name your program as project1_task1.cpp.


  • Add the following nonmember functions in your fraction header file and implementation file following the example of modified point class in the file “newpoint.h” and “newpoint.cpp”:
    • A function that returns the sum of two fractions.
    • A function that returns the difference of two fractions.
    • A function that returns the product of two fractions.
    • A function that returns the quotient of two fractions.

Name the modified files as newfraction1.h and newfraction1.cpp.

  • Write another test program to show all the operations work correctly before you move to Task 3. Name the program as project1_task2.cpp.

A run of this test program might look like this:


Enter the first fraction: numerator denominator

3 5

Enter the second fraction: numerator denominator

2 3

The two fractions entered are

f1 = 3/5

f2 = 2/3

The arithmetic operations on these two fractions:

f1 + f2 = 19/15

f1 - f2 = -1/15

f1 * f2 = 2/5

f1 / f2 = 9/10

Task 3

Redo the Task 2 using operators.

  • Use operator overloading to define the following operations for the fraction class:
    • Sum: + as a member function
    • Difference: - as a member function
    • Product: * as a non member function
    • Quotient: / as a non member function
    • Output: << as a non member function
    • Input : >>   as a friend function of the class fraction
  • Following the example of the point class for all the documentation.
  • Write and document the class in header and implementation files, and compile it separately from the client program. Name the files as newfraction2.h and newfraction2.cpp.
  • Write a program that performs all the operations defined above. Name the program as project1_task3.cpp.

    Declare and define a class for a fraction number. A fraction in mathematics is defined as a/b, where a and b are integers and called numerator and denominator.



  • Define a fraction class that has the following member functions:
    • constructor that initializes the fraction by default arguments.
    • set function that sets the numerator of the fraction.
    • set function that sets the denominator of the fraction.
    • get function that returns the numerator of the fraction.
    • get function that returns the denominator of the fraction.
    • a function that displays the fraction.
  • Write the class in header and implementation files, and compile it separately from the client program. Name the files as fraction.h and fraction.cpp.
  • Document the class following the example of the point class posted on D2L.
  • Write a test program to show all your member functions work before you move to Task2. Name your program as project1_task1.cpp.
  • Task2

  • Add the following nonmember functions in your fraction header file and implementation file following the example of modified point class in the file “newpoint.h” and “newpoint.cpp”:
    • A function that returns the sum of two fractions.
    • A function that returns the difference of two fractions.
    • A function that returns the product of two fractions.
    • A function that returns the quotient of two fractions.
  • Name the modified files as newfraction1.h and newfraction1.cpp.

  • Write another test program to show all the operations work correctly before you move to Task 3. Name the program as project1_task2.cpp.
  • A run of this test program might look like this:


    Enter the first fraction: numerator denominator

    3 5

    Enter the second fraction: numerator denominator

    2 3

    The two fractions entered are

    f1 = 3/5

    f2 = 2/3

    The arithmetic operations on these two fractions:

    f1 + f2 = 19/15

    f1 - f2 = -1/15

    f1 * f2 = 2/5

    f1 / f2 = 9/10

    Task 3

    Redo the Task 2 using operators.

  • Use operator overloading to define the following operations for the fraction class:
    • Sum: + as a member function
    • Difference: - as a member function
    • Product: * as a non member function
    • Quotient: / as a non member function
    • Output: << as a non member function
    • Input : >>   as a friend function of the class fraction
  • Following the example of the point class for all the documentation.
  • Write and document the class in header and implementation files, and compile it separately from the client program. Name the files as newfraction2.h and newfraction2.cpp.
  • Write a program that performs all the operations defined above. Name the program as project1_task3.cpp.


Expert Solution



#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class fraction
   friend istream &operator>>(istream&, fraction&);
   friend ostream &operator<<(ostream&, fraction&);
   void printfraction();
   fraction &operator=(fraction&);
   fraction operator+(const fraction& );
   fraction operator-(const fraction& );
   fraction operator *(const fraction& );
   fraction operator /(const fraction& );
   void reduction();
   int numerator;
   int denominator;


fraction::fraction(int numerator, int denominator)
   this->numerator = numerator;
   //this->denominator = denominator;
   if(denominator ==0)
       this->denominator = 1;
   }// end if
fraction &fraction::operator=(fraction &number)
   numerator = number.numerator;
   denominator = number.denominator;
   return *this;
istream &operator>>(istream &in, fraction &number)
       char slash;
       in >> number.numerator >> number.denominator;
       if(number.denominator == 0)
           cout<<"invalid denominator/n";
           number.denominator = 1;
       return in;
ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, fraction &number)
       out << number.numerator << '/' << number.denominator;
       return out;
void fraction::reduction()
int largest;
largest = numerator > denominator ? numerator : denominator;
int gcd = 0; // greatest common divisor
for ( int loop = 2; loop <= largest; loop++ )
if ( numerator % loop == 0 && denominator % loop == 0 )
gcd = loop;
if (gcd != 0)
numerator /= gcd;
denominator /= gcd;
} // end if
} // end function reduction

fraction fraction::operator+(const fraction& c1)
   fraction temp;
   return temp;
fraction fraction::operator-(const fraction& c1)
   fraction temp;
   return temp;
fraction fraction::operator*(const fraction& c1)
   fraction temp;
   return temp;
fraction fraction::operator/(const fraction& c1)
   fraction temp;
   return temp;



int main()
   fraction f1,f2,f3;
   cout<<"Enter firtst fraction: numerator denominator"<<endl;
   cout<<"Enter second fraction: numerator denominator"<<endl;
   cout<<"Ther two fraction enterd are "<<endl;
   cout<<"f1 = "<<f1<<endl;
   cout<<"f2 = "<<f2<<endl;

   cout<<"The arithmetic operations on these two fractions:"<<endl;
   cout<<"f1 + f2 = "<<f3<<endl;
   cout<<"f1 - f2 = "<<f3<<endl;
   cout<<"f1 * f2 = "<<f3<<endl;
   cout<<"f1 / f2 = "<<f3<<endl;

   return 1;


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