
In: Computer Science

I have defined the class. Rectangle in Python. How do I define a class Canvas with...

I have defined the class. Rectangle in Python. How do I define a class Canvas with the following description:

Class Canvas represents a collection of Rectangles. It has 8 methods. In addition, to the constructor
(i.e. __init__ method) and two methods that override python's object methods (and make your class
user friendly as suggested by the test cases), your class should contain 5 more methods:
add_one_rectangle, count_same_color, total_perimeter, min_enclosing_rectangle, and common_point.


Expert Solution

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#let's say your class rectangle

class Rectangle():


    def __init__(self,length,width,color):

        self.length = length

        self.width = width

        self.color = color


    def perimeter(self):

        return 2*(self.length + self.width)

    def __str__(self):

        return "Rectangle with length: {}, width: {}, color: {} and perimeter: {}".format(self.length,self.width,self.color,self.perimeter())

#now define class canvas as asked in the question

class Canvas:

    #method 1 as init   

    def __init__(self,rectangles):

        self.rectangles = rectangles

    #method 2 as __str__

    def __str__(self):

        data =""

        for rectangle in self.rectangles:

            data += str(rectangle) + "\n"

        return data


    #method 3 as repr

    def __repr__(self):

        data ="[\n"

        for rectangle in self.rectangles:

            data += "[" + str(rectangle) + "],\n"

        return data + "]"


    #given method as add_one_rectangle

    def add_one_rectangle(self,rectangle):



    #given method as count_same_color

    def count_same_color(self,color):

       return sum(p.color == color for p in self.rectangles)


    #given method as total_perimeter

    def total_perimeter(self):

        perimeter =0

        for rect in self.rectangles:

            perimeter += rect.perimeter()

        return perimeter


    #there was no functionality mentioned for these method , hence pass is used

    def min_enclosing_rectangle(self):



    def common_point(self):



#main driver method

#create a list of rectangles


rect1 = Rectangle(5,10,"Red")

rect2 = Rectangle(15,20,"Green")

rect3 = Rectangle(25,30, "Yellow")




#create an object of Canvas class

canvas = Canvas(rectangles)

#print all the methods one by one of canvas class



print("Now add one more rectangle")

rect4 = Rectangle(15,40,"Red")



print("Find matching with Red color: ".format(canvas.count_same_color("Red")))

print("Total Perimeter of all rectangles in Canvas: {}".format(canvas.total_perimeter()))

==========screen shot of the code indentation=======


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