Why is it Important to determine the liquid limits of soil and how limits liquid of...

Why is it Important to determine the liquid limits of soil and how limits liquid of soil and effects of loads on soil be related?

In: Civil Engineering

what are the tump rule to design a multi storeyd building in detail

what are the tump rule to design a multi storeyd building in detail

In: Civil Engineering

The chainage of the intersecting point (P.I.) of two straight lines is 4227.463m. The Whole-Circle- Bearing...

The chainage of the intersecting point (P.I.) of two straight lines is 4227.463m. The Whole-Circle-
Bearing of two straight lines (in and out) are 111o 36' 33.3" and 116o 35' 01.6" respectively. A
simple curve with radius 1000.00m to connect to two straight lines. Calculate the setting-out
information by deflection angle method at 20.0m continuous chainages in table form.

In: Civil Engineering

The bit currently in use has three t2-in nozzles The driller has recorded that when the...

The bit currently in use has three t2-in nozzles
The driller has recorded that when the 10-ibm/gal
mud is pumped at rate of 500 gal/mm pump
pressure of 3000 psig is observed and when the
pump is slowed to rate of 250 gal/mm pump
pressure of 800 psi is observed The pump is rated
at 1000 hp and has an overall efficiency of 0.9
The minimum flow rate to lift the cuttings is 240
gal/mm The maximum allowable surface pressure
is 3000 psi.

In: Civil Engineering

Plot the original data and the regression “line” ************USING Matlab************. "Submit plot" USING MATLAB! USING MATLAB!...

Plot the original data and the regression “line” ************USING Matlab************. "Submit plot"

USING MATLAB! USING MATLAB! USING MATLAB! ONLY BY USING MATLAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14.9 The concentration of E. coli bacteria in a swimming area is monitored after a storm:

t (hr)                     4           8         12        16    20 24

c (CFU/100 mL) 1600     1320   1000     890 650 560

The time is measured in hours following the end of the storm and the unit CFU is a .colony forming unit.. Use this data to estimate

(a) the concentration at the end of the storm (t = 0) and

(b) the time at which the concentration will reach 200 CFU/100 mL. Note that your choice of model should

be consistent with the fact that negative concentrations are impossible and that the bacteria concentration always decreases with time. Plot the original data and the regression “line” using Matlab. Submit plot.

In: Civil Engineering

USING USA IBC CH.9 1.            Name the standard which governs all aspects of concrete; materials...


1.            Name the standard which governs all aspects of concrete; materials used to produce concrete, concrete itself
                and testing thereof.

                What other standards are also permitted to be used in compliance tests for concrete?

2.            There are many documents for structural concrete construction using steel as reinforcement. List five such documents.

3.           For Group R-3 buildings not more than three stories above grade plane, the specified compressive strength of concrete in vertical walls exposed to weather shall not be less than _______.

                A. 2000 psi                          B. 2500 psi                          C. 3000 psi                          D. 3500 psi

4.            For nonstructural concrete subjected to freeze-thaw exposure class F3, the specified minimum compressive strength of concrete is ______.

                A. 2000 psi                          B. 2500 psi                          C. 3000 psi                          D. 3500 psi

5.            Under certain condition, the thickness of plain concrete footings for buildings of light-frame construction which are less than two stories above the grade plane may be reduced by _____.

                A. 3 inches                          B. 3.5 inches                       C. 4 inches                         D. 6 inches

6.           The thickness of concrete floor slabs supported directly on the ground shall not be less than ______.

                A. 3.5 inches                      B. 4.5 inches                       C. 5.5 inches                      D. 7.5 inches

7.            A vapor retarder placed between the base course or the subgrade and a concrete floor is not required for:

                A. Group R-3, detached unheated garages
B. Group R-3, detached and unheated storage rooms of any size
C. Group R-3, detached and unheated utility room
D. Driveways that will not be enclosed at a later date

8.            With respect to shotcrete concrete, which one of the following is not true?

                A. Coarse aggregate size is ¾ inch or less
B. Maximum size of steel rebar is #5 in the absence of any preconstruction test
C. When using #5 or smaller bars, minimum clearance between parallel bars is 2 ½ inches
D. When larger than #5 bars are permitted based on preconstruction tests, minimum clearance between the
     parallel bars equals 4 x bar diameter used

9.           During the curing period of shotcrete concrete, a minimum temperature of ______ is maintained.

                A. 320 F                                 B. 360 F                                 C. 400 F                                D. 440 F

10.          When normal cement is used, final curing for shotcrete concrete shall continue for _____ after pouring.

A. 12 hours                         B. 24 hours                         C. 7 days                             D. 28 days

In: Civil Engineering

What are some key things to consider when preparing to conduct a topographic survey? With the...

What are some key things to consider when preparing to conduct a topographic survey?

With the understanding that a higher resolution of data is going to generally cost more money, what is one suggestion you have to reduce the amount of time required to perform your proposed survey?

How many data points are necessary to provide an acceptable topographic survey? How might this vary based on the phase of the project (e.g., preliminary planning, construction drawings, final as-built drawings)?

What is one possible use of a topographic survey?

In: Civil Engineering

This is the previous example the answer is there in cgegg: A confined aquifer has been...

This is the previous example the answer is there in cgegg:

A confined aquifer has been fully penetrated with a well of 200 mm diameter The thickness of the aquifer is 25 m. If you know that the well was pumped at a constant rate of 2000 m3/day and the steady state drawdown in the well is 8 m and the drawdown in a piezometer 100 m from the well is 1.4 m. Calculate the following:

  1. Aquifer transmissivity, hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer material and the radius of influence of the well.
  2. If the aquifer is unconfined, Do the calculation again assuming that the saturated thickness is 25 m.

c. Assume the well efficiency is 85 %, calculate the values of T, K and R.

........Design the well in the previous example for the case of confined aquifer by finding the following:

  1. Screen length and size.
  2. Delivery pipe diameter.
  3. Calculate the power needed for this well.
  4. Draw schematic diagram for the well and define all parts.

Assume any missing data.

In: Civil Engineering

A rectangular cross section beam (A) made of steel constructed in an industrial building between two...

A rectangular cross section beam (A) made of steel constructed in an industrial building
between two columns which are “X” m apart. The beam is acting as a support for one end of
a pair of crane wheel (B). The distance b/w wheels are “Y” m. The crane is used to lift max.
of Z tonnes of load which is having hook at the centre of crane. Draw shear force and B.M
diagram of the beam.
Case i) If the crane wheels are positioned at equal distances from centre of the beam.
Case ii) If one of the crane wheels is exactly at the centre.
Case iii) If one of the crane wheels comes exactly over a column.
Also find the max. bending stresses in the beam for the first case considering the depth (d)
as twice the width of the beam.
where X=4.8m,Y=0.8, Z =9 tonnes, Depth (d) = 500mm

In: Civil Engineering

structure design A load that has been applied to a structure could sometimes be regarded as...

structure design
A load that has been applied to a structure could sometimes be regarded as favourable. Explain this concept with an example.

In: Civil Engineering

A client needs to fill and compact a trench that has the following dimensions 150 x...

A client needs to fill and compact a trench that has the following dimensions 150 x 50 x 1.5 ft. The sub is going to use a dump truck that can carry 12 CY, and travels at an average speed of 40 mph. The borrow pit is located 45 miles from the construction site. The truck driver makes $50/hr and works 8 hours per day. Loading time for the truck is 30 minutes and unloading time is 5 minutes. The sub has to rent the truck at $500 per day + a driver @ $50/hour. The cost of soil $20 per BCY. The soil has a swell factor of 18% and a compaction factor of 12%. What will it cost to backfill this trench if the sheeps foot operator make the same as the driver and fuel cost $1,250.00?

In: Civil Engineering

The columns for a building in central Long Island are to be made of concrete with...

The columns for a building in central Long Island are to be made of concrete with the
following specifications:
• Design compressive strength: 4500 psi, based on 20 tests of samples having a
standard deviation of 600 psi
• Non-air entrained, and clear space between rebar: 1.5 inch
• Fine aggregate: G = 2.350, FM = 2.5
• Coarse aggregate: G = 2.65, bulk density = 3000 lb/cy

Determine the following:
i. w/c ratio, largest nominal max. coarse aggregate size, % coarse aggregate, % air
(2 pts.)
ii. weight of water, weight of cement, and weight of coarse aggregate to be used per
cubic yard of concrete (1 pt.)
iii. weights and volumes of water, cement, air, coarse aggregate, and fine aggregate
needed to mix a 15-yard batch of this mix (3 pts.)
• Specify two admixtures that might be used for this mix based on the provided
information, and why to use it. (2 pts.)
• Why we might create a composite of this concrete poured into a PVC (polyvinyl
chloride) sleeve for these columns? (Give specific reasons based on the
characteristics of the individual materials.) (2 pts.)

In: Civil Engineering

The columns for a building in central Long Island are to be made of concrete with...

The columns for a building in central Long Island are to be made of concrete with the following specifications: • Design compressive strength: 4500 psi, based on 20 tests of samples having a standard deviation of 600 psi • Non-air entrained, and clear space between rebar: 1.5 inch • Fine aggregate: G = 2.350, FM = 2.5 • Coarse aggregate: G = 2.65, bulk density = 3000 lb/cy Determine the following: i. w/c ratio, largest nominal max. coarse aggregate size, % coarse aggregate, % air (2 pts.) ii. weight of water, weight of cement, and weight of coarse aggregate to be used per cubic yard of concrete (1 pt.) iii. weights and volumes of water, cement, air, coarse aggregate, and fine aggregate needed to mix a 15-yard batch of this mix (3 pts.) Also: • Specify two admixtures that might be used for this mix based on the provided information, and why to use it. (2 pts.) • Why we might create a composite of this concrete poured into a PVC (polyvinyl chloride) sleeve for these columns? (Give specific reasons based on the characteristics of the individual materials.) (2 pts.)

In: Civil Engineering

PROBLEM 5 If the general contractor of a project fails to pay its subcontractors, the subcontractors...


If the general contractor of a project fails to pay its subcontractors, the subcontractors may file a lien against the owner’s property, and the project owner is required to pay the subcontractors. To avoid the lien against the property and payment to the subcontractors, what measures could the owner do?

In: Civil Engineering

Discuss in detail at least five benefits that can result from safe design of drainage pipes...

Discuss in detail at least five benefits that can result from safe design of drainage pipes and culverts

In: Civil Engineering