describe the most difficult-to-deal waste that is being produced in your household and suggest how to...

describe the most difficult-to-deal waste that is being produced in your household and suggest how to treat it

In: Civil Engineering

following the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, travel restractions have been imposed. Discuss the impacts (...

following the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, travel restractions have been imposed. Discuss the impacts ( positve and negative ) of these travel restrictions on all aspects of transportation including mobility, safety, and enviroment

In: Civil Engineering

Please name the RMS Specification of construction of cast-in-place reinforced concrete piles without permanent casing. (200-250...

Please name the RMS Specification of construction of cast-in-place reinforced concrete piles without permanent casing. (200-250 words)

In: Civil Engineering

23. Oil with a relative density of 0.800 presses the surface of the upright triangle, the...

23. Oil with a relative density of 0.800 presses the surface of the upright triangle, the peak of which is on the surface of the oil. The triangle is 2.7 m height and 3.6 m wide. 2.4 m mounted on the base 3.6 m and pressured by water. Find (a)the magnitude and (b) position of the resultant force on the entire surface!

In: Civil Engineering

A community lives in a remote area next to a lake and they rely on the...

A community lives in a remote area next to a lake and they rely on the fish in the lake for food. They are concerned that the fish they are catching from the lake have been contaminated with mercury. The lake has an area of 30,000 m2 and an average depth of 10 m; it is fed by a river with flow 25 m3/s. Assume that 5% of the flow entering the lake is lost to evaporation. Some mercury enters the water naturally from the soil upstream of the lake. The mercury concentration in the river upstream is 0.07 ng/L. A small gold mining operation uses mercury or “quicksilver” to extract more metal. The runoff, which has a mercury concentration of 0.82 ng/L makes its way into the lake with a flow of 1 m3/s. Additionally, dry deposition of mercury from atmospheric aerosols adds mercury to the lake at a rate of 12 ng/s. The lake is drained by the river flow.

  1. Calculate the steady-state concentration of mercury in the lake (ng/L), assuming the lake is well-mixed.
  2. Assume the bioaccumulation factor for mercury is 220 L/g for the fish that the community eats. Local health officials recommend eating fish only if the mercury concentration is below 2 µg/g of fish tissue. Should the community be concerned about eating the fish?

In: Civil Engineering

4.2 A 200 m long sag curve is used under a grade separation structure. The curve...

4.2 A 200 m long sag curve is used under a grade separation structure. The curve joins an entry grade of - 3% and exit grade of + 5%. If the required vertical clearance is 5.5 m, determine the available sight distance over the curve. Assume driver eye height and dangerous object height of 1.8 m and 0.15, respectively. If the information available is not complete, please assume and specify a reasonable value and continue with the assignments.

In: Civil Engineering

3.During a fire inspection, you note carpeting on the interior walls of day care center. What...

3.During a fire inspection, you note carpeting on the interior walls of day care center. What should you do to deal with this situatuion?

(Chapter 6 from the book: Brannigan's Building Construction For The Fire Service)

In: Civil Engineering

Discuss the components of sustainable design and construction?

Discuss the components of sustainable design and construction?

In: Civil Engineering

Whistleblowing by engineers involving in a project is very crucial as it may prevent untoward incident...

  1. Whistleblowing by engineers involving in a project is very crucial as it may prevent untoward incident due to ethical problems. Describe in detail the importance of whistleblowing in the engineering profession. Choose a real-life instance where whistleblowing has helped to curb ethical violations in engineering and discuss the lessons which professional engineers can learn from it.

In: Civil Engineering

There are two common methods used for analyzing a truss. Briefly discuss both methods with the...

There are two common methods used for analyzing a truss. Briefly discuss both methods with the aid of diagrams.

In: Civil Engineering

Several students were interested in using tempered glass as an additive for a portion of the...

Several students were interested in using tempered glass as an additive for a portion of the fine aggregate in a Concrete Mix Design. They stated tempered glass has a high compressive strength and is an available resource. Their Control mix was to be 5 pounds of Coarse Aggregate, 5 pounds of Fine Aggregate, 2.5 pounds of cement, and 1.2 pounds of water. Their research idea was to use 5 pounds of Coarse Aggregate, 2.5 pounds of Fine Aggregate, 2.5 pounds of Textured Glass, 2.5 pounds of cement, and 1.2 pounds of water. After the curing process and the compression tests the control mix was 84,000 pounds or 6700 psi; the proposed new mix was 69,500 pounds or 5500 psi. Does the new idea show promise (Yes or No)? Where does one go from here? Explain your answer?

In: Civil Engineering

What is an Expert Witness? What is the purpose of an Expert Witness? Who can be...

What is an Expert Witness? What is the purpose of an Expert Witness? Who can be an Expert Witness? What qualifies a person to be an expert witness?

In: Civil Engineering

Would Portland Cement Concrete from the Demolition of a 50-year old concrete building structure and surrounding...

Would Portland Cement Concrete from the Demolition of a 50-year old concrete building structure and surrounding concrete parking lot, make for a good supply of recycled aggregate? What are the Pro’s and Con’s of using Recycled Aggregates?

In: Civil Engineering

In Proportioning Asphalt Mixtures, what is one seeking, to ensure a quality roadway? What properties of...

In Proportioning Asphalt Mixtures, what is one seeking, to ensure a quality roadway? What properties of the final mix must be met? Explain your answer.

In: Civil Engineering

A Concrete Mix Design Example was completed for the class. Explain how one makes a correction...

A Concrete Mix Design Example was completed for the class. Explain how one makes a correction for Water in a Mix Design and the important factors associated with such a correction.

In: Civil Engineering