The intersection angle of a 5 degree curve is 23 degrees and the PC is located...

The intersection angle of a 5 degree curve is 23 degrees and the PC is located at station 550+55.00. Determine the length of the curve, the station of the PT, the deflection angles, and the chord lengths for setting out the curve at whole stations from the PC.

In: Civil Engineering

CHAPTER 13 FROM Elementary Surveying An Introduction to Geomatics 15th Edition by Ghilan 1- why clocks...

CHAPTER 13 FROM Elementary Surveying An Introduction to Geomatics 15th Edition by Ghilan

1- why clocks are important part in satellite system?

2- how does code matching work ?

3- Gps uses two fundamental methods to determine distance between satellite and receivers,what are they?

4- what are the common accuracy's using code matching ( pseudoranging )?
5- what is the most accurate method of GPS measurement and its accuracy ?

6- what is real time kinematic GPS surveying and how its different than static GPS surveying ?


In: Civil Engineering

Describe the architectural project Paimio Sanatorium (1933) by Alvar Aalto . Explain  the ways architecture was used...

Describe the architectural project Paimio Sanatorium (1933) by Alvar Aalto . Explain  the ways architecture was used as a tool with an impact on our health in this building. Then, discuss why Paimio Sanatorium is categorised as a modern building.

In: Civil Engineering

short answers T          F          When using the runoff coefficient, c, the Rational Method assumes that land...

short answers

  1. T          F          When using the runoff coefficient, c, the Rational Method assumes that land uses are uniformly distributed within a drainage area.
  1. What is the overland flow travel time for a hydraulic path 140 ft long through dense grass at an average slope of 1.0%?
  1. 1 minute

  1. 4 minutes
  1. 21 minutes

  1. 25 minutes
  1. The rational method assumes rainfall duration equal to the time of concentration. If an estimated time of concentration is larger than the actual time of concentration for the drainage area, the peak runoff determined will be (greater than, equal to, less than) the actual peak discharge.
  1. T          F          A storm with a return period of 25 years will occur only once every 25 years.
  1. A drainage basin’s “time of concentration” means the time
  1. the time for the first raindrop to flow down the steepest slope in the area.
  2. the time to drain the drainage area after the rain stops.
  3. the longest time of flow to the point of interest.
  4. the time that is equal to the duration of the rainfall event.

  1. (12 pts) The three general types of flow that could occur along the hydraulic path in a drainage area are ______________________________ flow, ______________________________flow, and ______________________________ flow.
  1. The average rainfall rate in inches/hour is called the
  1. duration.
  2. return period.
  3. frequency.
  4. intensity.
  1. A drainage basin is defined as the
  1. boundary separating two adjacent rainfall collection basins.
  2. surface preventing infiltration of water into the soil.
  3. land surface having similar characteristics with a single outflow point.
  4. continental divide.
  1. What is the shallow concentrated flow travel time for a hydraulic path 540 ft long through average grass at an average slope of 3.4%?
  1. 179 minutes
  2. 18 minutes
  3. 4 minutes
  4. 3 minutes
  1. What is the channel flow travel time for a hydraulic path 2000 ft long and a velocity of 9.52 ft/sec?
  1. 3.5 minutes
  2. 5.3 minutes
  3. 21 minutes
  4. 210 minutes

In: Civil Engineering

for joist spaced less than 24 inches OC there are 3 commonly used adjustment factors name...

for joist spaced less than 24 inches OC there are 3 commonly used adjustment factors name them

In: Civil Engineering

Construct a process flow chart/diagram describing the production of a silicon wafer from silica sand. Indicate...

  1. Construct a process flow chart/diagram describing the production of a silicon wafer from silica sand. Indicate key chemical reactions, phase changes and temperature changes. Explain why the Czochralski process is important for wafer production. What happens to the waste from this process?

  1. Construct a process flow chart/diagram describing the production of an aluminum ingot from bauxite. Be sure to include details of both the Bayer process and the Hall-Heroult process. Indicate key chemical reactions, phase changes and temperature changes. One of the by-products of aluminum is called ‘red mud’. Explain why red mud is a problem; what are current strategies for dealing with this waste?

In: Civil Engineering

when calculating the moment of a trianglular distrubted load the answers always seem to be in...

when calculating the moment of a trianglular distrubted load the answers always seem to be in some form of a cubic (x^3) however when I work the problem out I only come up with x^2, the x-terms coming from (xh/2) and (x/3) or (2x/3), where does the x^3 come from?

In: Civil Engineering

Discuss about (AcI code requirements for columns)? Write alote of informations about it.

Discuss about (AcI code requirements for columns)?
Write alote of informations about it.

In: Civil Engineering

Given: There is a rectangular weir that causes the water level in a trapezoidal concrete-lined channel...

Given: There is a rectangular weir that causes the water level in a trapezoidal concrete-lined channel to be 13.1 ft from the channel bottom. The channel has a bottom width of 9.8 ft and side slopes of 2H:1V. The slope of the channel is 0.0005 and the discharge rate is 706 cfs.

Find: Channel distance affected by the weir.

Answer: yn=5.49ft, yc=4.11 ft, M1 curve, x=15,495 ft using dy=0.1 ft

In: Civil Engineering

Correct this essay... The tragedy of Syrian Refugees’ Children In order to gain money for his...

Correct this essay...

The tragedy of Syrian Refugees’ Children

In order to gain money for his family, a child has to wake up early and go directly to work for long hours, often in hazardous conditions, using dangerous machinery in factories, getting abused by employers, and spending the whole day under the hot sun. After an exhausting day like that, the one thing that the child will do when he returns home is to fall asleep, but unfortunately, that was also not enough simple for him. Hence, every night the same nightmare will come chasing him and a scene of a terrified child trying to run away from the bombs that a warplane is dropping next to him will be played. He wishes he could bring a psychological to address every emotional wound he is suffering from or just go to school and play with children from his age. He just wishes an ordinary life; a life that a child should have to grow in. That wish was from a Syrian refugee child, but in fact, about 5 million child share the same dream and hope to be a student that is building his future. Therefore, these children should be afforded with education to erase the bleak image that is stored in their eyes and to not lose a generation of talent and mind.

            To begin, many Syrian refugees are finding difficulties affording their children education fees following the hard situation they live in, losing all their goods in their homeland and desperate to find a good earning job . The crisis of Syrian refugees affected the children’s education negatively. Recent statistics studies show that the number of refugees between the age of 3 and 18 is approximately 500 000, with only 150 000 of them getting educated due to the lack of funds some Syrian refugees suffer from (World Bank, 2016, 1:06). On the same matter, the lack of funds leads most refugees over the age of 18 to be unable to continue their higher education. According to Martin Trow, almost two percent of the capable age series have entered universities in Africa (as cited in Peterson, 2010, p.11). In order to solve these problems, NGOs offered free non formal education schools next to camps in order to help those unable to attend schools get a primary education (World Bank, 2016, 1:34). Solutions as these could give hope to refugees, motivating them to work harder in order to educate themselves.

Furthermore, many young Syrian refugees are obliged to work in risky places with acceptance of low wage salaries. The children’s parents are in a financial crisis and they are always wandering and searching for an income that can only satisfy their primary needs. In addition, legal standards are too tough for the Syrian youngsters to handle. For example, if a Syrian child wants to access the school, he/she must have an ID that reveals who they are and where they come from, but most of these refugees lost their ID in their hometown during war. This can be an enormous problem that these poor young-Syrian refugees might face. In the magazine” The Importance of Education for Refugees “(2017), it was reported that refugee students that are accessing schools are quitting because legal standards are tough for them because some things can not be provided or adapted. Since they are not allowed to work, all members of the family must work with low budgets in order to live or survive (para.6). Moreover, young Syrian boys are seen weak and many people think that they are able to handle abuse and violence so many work places demand them to work in their work place with very low income that can make the parents accept the offer.

The third reason is there are some refugees suffer from lack of English language. Almost all countries in the world use the English language in teaching their students while in Syria the government uses Arabic language in their curriculum. In addition, each day the number of Syrian refugees increases due to the unstoppable war in Syria which leads to raise the problem of language. For example, in Lebanon, the government use the English language in their curriculum to teach students which affect directly the achievements of refugees and may cause to have uneducated children due to the difficulties of language. For confirmation, according to a recent statistics, almost 2% of the capable age series have entered universities in Africa due to the difficulties that face them in school (as cited in Peterson, 2010, p.11). Therefore, as a solution, the governments should either insure new schools especially for Syrian refugees or make a second shift in one school with a Syrian teachers. For confirmation, “it is possible to assist teachers in developing strategies that incorporate the background knowledge of their refugee children” (“The importance of education for refugees”, 2017, para.6).

Syrian refugees face many issues in host countries, their lives became hard and in risky conditions. Recent statistics showed that the number of refugees that are enrolled in schools are 150000 students, and these students need help an support as they live in poor health conditions. Many of the Syrian refugees live in cold situations, for example in Bekaa the temperature is too low, and some refugee schools have no heating tools. In addition, many of the diseases they suffer of appear in schools and camps Syrian refugees live in and without undergoing any treatment (Word bank,2016,1:06).

Last but not least, the schools that are afforded for Syrian refugees are not formal departments which end up not rewarding these children with their right to own a certificate. A statistical report stated that the number of refugees between the age of 3 and 18 is approximately 500,000, with only 150,000 of them getting educated (World Bank, 2016, 1:06). For example, in Bekaa, a non formal school was established for Syrian children next to the refugee’s camp. Teachers were dealing with war children that are negatively affected with every hazardous situation they went through which are somehow hard to deal with accepting the fact of dead uneducated minds. So, it was a challenge for these teachers to bring children back to their normal life. Moreover, teachers are waiting for somebody to answer their call on finding a solution to insure refugee’s right of quality education by giving these children certificates helping them achieve their bright goal in an appropriate way ( hawerunesco, 2016, 3:50).  

To sum up, education will solve the problems that Syrian refugees are suffering from which consist of high fees, labor, English language problems, unhealthy environment, and no quality education. These children are waiting for an open door that will be opened by achieving the solutions stated above.

In: Civil Engineering

An aluminum fabrication company was involved in a multi billion dinar construction project in Bahrain. Upon...

An aluminum fabrication company was involved in a multi billion dinar construction project in Bahrain. Upon construction the fabrications of the company failed. The contracting company involved reported the matter to the client and a case was filed in the court. Upon analysis it was found out that the quality of fabrications were not in conformity with standards. But the final contract was not concluded by the two parties. Can the fabrication company be legally bound under these circumstances(cite and discuss any relevant Bahrain contract law)

In: Civil Engineering

What is one of the basic assumptions of the rule of law? The president of the...

What is one of the basic assumptions of the rule of law?

  1. The president of the United States is exempt from most laws

  2. Laws are applied differently to certain classes of persons based on wealth or social status.

  3. Laws are based on moral and religious principles which promote order and harmony in society.

  4. Standards of behavior established by applying to all people equally

In: Civil Engineering

List the four (4) definitions of prior negative experience of bid threshold

List the four (4) definitions of prior negative experience of bid threshold

In: Civil Engineering

List few advantages and disadvantages of anaerobic waste water treatment in form of table, to handle...

List few advantages and disadvantages of anaerobic waste water treatment in form of table, to handle waste water generated from large scale Ethanol refinery from sugar beet.

In: Civil Engineering

Design a canal having a trapezoidal cross section to carry a design discharge of irrigation water...

Design a canal having a trapezoidal cross section to carry a design discharge of
irrigation water of 900 cfs. The slope of the canal is to be 0.002. The canal is to be
lined with concrete, and it is to have the best hydraulic section for the design
flow. Adopt a Manning’s roughness coefficient ? for lined canals under (troweled concrete) ? = 0.012.

In: Civil Engineering