There are several methods for mounting a rail to form a track for the railway engineer. For the following methods, state the advantages and disadvantages and describe where they would most likely be used:
(i) Timber sleeper
(ii) Steel sleeper
(iii) Mono-bloc concrete sleeper
(iv) Twin-bloc concrete sleeper
(v) Slab track
In: Civil Engineering
a) During the manufacturing process of rail steel, chemicals may be naturally found in or added to the steel.
For each of the following chemicals, describe where it comes from in the manufacturing process and the effect that it has on the rail steel:
(i) carbon
(ii) silicon;
(iii) sulphur;
(iv) manganese;
(v) hydrogen
(vi) boron and molybdenum
In: Civil Engineering
A major roadway with a speed limit of 45 mph has an intersection that has no intersection control with a minor roadway at a right angle. A building is located next to the intersection at a distance of 60 feet from the center of the farthest lane on the major roadway and 40 ft from the center of the nearest lane on the minor roadway. The major road (E-W) has a grade of +4% from east to west and the minor road has a +5% grade from north to south. What is the maximum speed limit for the minor roadway?
In: Civil Engineering
2) A 100-m curve is to connect a downgrade of 0.75% to an upgrade of 0.25%. If the level of the intersection point of the two grades is 150 m, calculate the necessary data for planning the curve ??
In: Civil Engineering
Can you please give me five journal papers on the "The Tacheometric Surveying " from wherever it is possible?
In: Civil Engineering
Problem No. 1 The soil profile at a site consists of a top 4 m layer of dense sand followed by 2 m of clay, which is underlain by a stiff stratum. The water table is at 2 m below the ground level. The follow- ing data was obtained from a consolidation test on an undisturbed sample obtained from the middle of the clay layer: water content 36%, specific gravity of the clay grains = 2.72, compression index = 0.72, recompression index = 0.07, preconsolidation pressure = 85 kPa. The bulk and saturated unit weights of the sand are 17 kN/m' and 18.5 kN/m' respectively. The ground level was raised by placing 2 m of compacted fill with a unit weight of 20 kN/m'. Estimate the final consolidation settlement. It is proposed to construct a warehouse covering a large area on top of the raised ground, which is expected to impose a pressure of 25 kPa. What would be the additional consolida- tion settlement?
In: Civil Engineering
A 20 mm-thick sample in a singly drained laboratory consolidation test reaches 75% consolidation in 5 hours. How long will it take to reach 75% consolidation for a 5 m-thick clay sandwiched between two sand layers in the field?
In: Civil Engineering
In Railroad Geotechnical Engineering, please give a correct answer and good explanation
In: Civil Engineering
What has been the impact of the Citizens United and Speechnow decisions on political campaign funding?
In: Civil Engineering
What are the key elements of diagramming techniques?
Name the commonalities between three different diagramming techniques.
In: Civil Engineering
In: Civil Engineering
In: Civil Engineering
1)You are a fourth engineer on board ship and you were
have told by a chief engineer that you will do a safety round at
21:00. How are you going to operate your safety round? Note that
the ship in UMS mood from 17: 00-21: 00.
2) If you are the duty engineer and your reliever come to replace
you. What are the things that you are going to inform him? And
explain why.
3)Why is it important to be familiar with the ship that you join
within a short time? Write in not less than 60 words.
4)Discusses the significance of emergency plans found on board
ships, and give two examples. (5Marks)
In: Civil Engineering
True and False
Write True or False before the statement.
1. Gypsum is the brand name for sheetrock.
2. Coreboards and liner boards come in 2-foot widths.
3. Adhesives are not used for bonding gypsum board directly to supports.
4. Supplemental fasteners should be used with contact adhesives.
5. Gypsum panels are applied first to ceilings and then to the walls.
6. The floating angle method of drywall application omits fasteners in the corner intersection of the ceilings and wall panels.
7. Drying type joint compounds are used when a faster setting time is desired.
8. A clinching tool is sometimes used to set corner beads to the proper angle.
In: Civil Engineering
Why should we hire you as a construction project Engineer on a complex, multi-phase large road or bridge construction project.
In: Civil Engineering