Design and draw the final cross section of a one-way reinforced concrete slab for the inside...

Design and draw the final cross section of a one-way reinforced

concrete slab for the inside of a building, where the span is l =3,6 m, and the applied live load is  

LL = 7,02 KN m2 ⁄ . Normal-weight aggregate concrete is specified with a density of 23. 5 KN m3 ⁄(reinforcement weight is included). Use the largest of claculated steel ratio ρ and 0.75ρmax.


Es = 2 × 105 MPa, fc′ = 28 MPa and fy = 420 MPa

In: Civil Engineering

In general, where is the preferred location for providing heating or cooling within a space? That...

In general, where is the preferred location for providing heating or cooling within a space? That is, what might be considered an overriding principle of environmental control?

In: Civil Engineering

Q1) the process of determining how load travels through a structural system and how much load...

Q1) the process of determining how load travels through a structural system and how much load is supported by each element is known as....?

Q2)The portion of a floor/roof system a structural element supports is known as its...?

Q3)A concrete slab spanning across a steel beam produces a … ? load on the beam

Q4) Steel Joists framing into a joist grider at 5' o.c produce …? loads on the grider

In: Civil Engineering

An activated sludge process with an aeration basin volume of 0.3 MG is treating wastewater with...

An activated sludge process with an aeration basin volume of 0.3 MG is treating wastewater with the average daily flow of 2 MGD. The raw sewage entering the treatment plant has an average BOD5 of 400 mg/L. The primary treatment removes 25% of BOD5 and the subsequent activated sludge process is designed to remove 90% of BOD5.


Plant effluent BOD5 concentration = 30 mg/L

Biomass concentration in the aeration tank = 2,000 mg/L

Biomass concentration in the plant effluent = 20 mg/L

Biomass concentration in the recycle (RAS) = 8,000 mg/L

Flow rate of waste sludge (WAS) = 0.025 MGD

Endogenous decay rate (kd) = 0.01 day-1

a) Calculate the MCRT of the process.

b) Determine the yield coefficient, Y.

c) If µnet, nitrifiers = 0.2/day, would you expect to get nitrification in this system? Briefly describe why or why not and show any supporting calculations.

In: Civil Engineering

A 2.8 m wide reinforced concrete strip footing is situated at 2.5 m below ground level...

A 2.8 m wide reinforced concrete strip footing is situated at 2.5 m below ground level in a thick deposit of a saturated clay. The footing is loaded centrally, and the total vertical line load including the weight of the concrete and backfill is 308 kN/m. The clay has a bulk density (ρ) of 2250 kg/m3 and an undrained shear strength (cu) of 42 kPa.

a) Calculate the factor of safety against bearing capacity failure considering the short term response of the soil.

b) If the strip footing in part a) has to carry an additional horizontal line load of 50 kN/m, calculate the new factor of safety against bearing
capacity failure.

c) Briefly define the terms compression, compaction and consolidation and explain what are the resulting changes in void ratio and moisture content in each of the above cases, assuming a constant total stress is applied onto the soil.

d) A normally consolidated and an over-consolidated clay are subjectedto the same increment of effective stress. Which would result in a higher settlement? Assume the initial void ratio and the height of the soil layer to be the same for both cases. Justify your answers using appropriate plots and/or equations.

In: Civil Engineering

Describe the concept of “Trigonometric Heighting” with the aid of diagram?

Describe the concept of “Trigonometric Heighting” with the aid of diagram?

In: Civil Engineering

An agricultural land prone to rainfall showed that the pesticides used over the crops have been...

An agricultural land prone to rainfall showed that the pesticides used over the crops have been washing off to the nearby lake due to surface runoff. Surface runoff is a process by which pesticides are transported in dissolved or particulate forms along the surface of sloping agricultural land. In addition, the soil has high permeability, initial site visit showed that vertical downward displacement of these pesticides through the soil profile and the unsaturated zone, finally reaching groundwater might also a high possibility. The results of the initial tests revealed that the highest concentrations were observed for organochlorine and organophosphate among other pesticides.

As an environmental engineer tasked with this site, Select the best bio-remediation option to deal with this problem and explain your reasoning, with advantages and disadvantages.

In: Civil Engineering

A large college campus dining program realized that they dispose 22,000 Lbs. food waste yearly. This...

A large college campus dining program realized that they dispose 22,000 Lbs. food waste yearly. This is because dining facilities can’t always accurately predict the amount of food students will consume, leading to large amounts of waste daily. In addition, due to health regulations, even if a piece of food has been barely touched, the dining hall can’t legally donate it to a food bank. The university is looking into different options.

As an environmental engineer tasked with this site, Select the best bio-remediation option to deal with this problem and explain your reasoning, with advantages and disadvantages

In: Civil Engineering

Using 7/8 in diameter ASTM A325-N bolts in standard holes and E70 electrodes. Design a bolted...

Using 7/8 in diameter ASTM A325-N bolts in standard holes and E70 electrodes. Design a bolted flange-plated FR moment connection between a W12×50 beam and a W14×90 column flange (RD = 15 kips; MD = 60 kip-ft) and (RL = 30 kips; ML = 120 kip-ft). For shear plate use three bolts:(i)Check the beam available flexural strength (ii)Design single-plate web connection (iii)Check the connecting elements rupture strength at welds Sketch the connection.

In: Civil Engineering

An active army depot looking into full scale biotechnology to treat explosives contaminated soil. Reported concentrations...

An active army depot looking into full scale biotechnology to treat explosives contaminated soil. Reported concentrations of trinitrotoluene (TNT) and 1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) are 88,000 mg/kg and 5,250 mg/kg in the blended soil, respectively.

As an environmental engineer tasked with this site, Select the best bio-remediation option to deal with this problem and explain your reasoning, with advantages and disadvantages.

In: Civil Engineering

A 10-inch-thick concrete bearing wall of height 10’ is laterally supported at 20’. The wall is...

A 10-inch-thick concrete bearing wall of height 10’ is laterally supported at 20’. The wall is subjected to axial loads comprising of dead load of 20 kip/ft (including self-weight) and a live load of 15 kip/ft. The top and bottom of wall is restrained against lateral movement and there are no out of plane loads. Can the wall sustain applied loads? If so, determine the reinforcement required in wall. Use f’c = 4000 psi and fy = 60ksi

show all steps clearly please

In: Civil Engineering

According to the design standards, the durability of RC structures depends on which important factors?

According to the design standards, the durability of RC structures depends on which important factors?

In: Civil Engineering

Explain the simplified method of analysis of one way slabs in RC structures.

Explain the simplified method of analysis of one way slabs in RC structures.

In: Civil Engineering

1. You are designing a concrete mix. indicate if you should use an aggregate with high...

1. You are designing a concrete mix. indicate if you should use an aggregate with high or low absroption or if it doesnt matter and explain your answer. 2. You are designing a asphalt mix. indicate if you should use an aggregate with high or low absroption or if it doesnt matter and explain your answer.

In: Civil Engineering

Using the absolute volume method, a colleague started a mix design for a simple concrete foundation...

Using the absolute volume method, a colleague started a mix design for a simple concrete foundation in a mild climate and got through Step 5 and has asked you to finish the work. They have already determined the mix needs:
• a w/c ratio of 0.45
• a 2” slump
• 1830 lb of gravel in the oven dry conditions,
• and 3.5% air provided by air entrainer.
The available gravel (coarse aggregate) is subangular with a NMSA = 3⁄4”. It has a specific gravity, Gs = 2.7, with a moisture content of 1.8% and an Absorption of 2.2%. The available sand (fine aggregate) has a specific gravity, Gs =2.45, with a moisture content of 3.8% and an absorption of 2.4%. Gs of cement = 3.15.

For each cubic yard of concrete for this mix, determine:
• the total weight of water, cement, moist sand, and moist gravel required. Don’t worry about the amount of
air entrainer product in fluid ounces.
• Summarize the total mix design (neglecting the required fluid ounces of air entrainer)

Course aggregate:

Fine aggregate:



In: Civil Engineering