TOWS matrics is stand for threat, opportunity, weakness and
strength.We can Analyse the threat and opportunity
externalys.whereas, we Analyses the weakness and strength
So, the TOWS matrix of WOW momo is
1) Some of the Threat for the WOW MOMO are
- Various new competitors are present in the market.
- Local kiosk and small vendors, restaurants are also a
2) Some of the Weakness for the WOW MOMO are
- Unavailability of sitting place.
- Wide menu create confusion in the customer.
- Less branding and marketing.
- Experimenting with the product will may be the reason for
3) Some of the Opportunity for the WOW MOMO are
- Product innovation help the WOW MOMO to attract the new
- They have different type of momo for different session like for
summer they create the mango momo.
- Wide and different range of momos.
- Less competitive outlets and kiosk.
- Use of Digital technology for there promotion and
- Have to opportunity to come up with IPO in next 5-7 years.
4) Some of the Strength for the WOW MOMO are
- Skilled and trained employees.
- Huge customer base.
- Time saving - as customer don't spend too much time in
- Vast number of outlet in all over the country.
- Affordable for the middle to uppar class people.