In: Physics
The parts of DC motor is 1) field magnet 2) armature coil 3) Split rings 4)Brushes
The Field magnet is a permanent magnet. Armature is a reactangular coil which is forced to rotate. The rotating coil will cause the flux change due to the permanent magnet. This flux change will induce emf according to the faradays law. And the direction of induced emf is opposite to the change in in magnetic flux according to lezes law.
E0is the amlitude
angular frequency t time
Unlike the case of a.c motor slit rings are arranged in such a way that during the first half cycle of rotation R1 is contact with Brush B1. In the second half cycle Ring R1 in contact with B1. So that the in out put or load we get only one of the half cycle of ac. which we can call as fluctuated d.c.