In: Nursing
Complete a rapid assessment based on the scenario provided below, and provide a SBAR report to a classmate. Remember to include all concepts of patient safety, standard precautions, and professional standards.
You are called to the room of 2-year-old Jonah by his mother who states the child has suddenly started breathing very loudly and does not look right. Upon entering the room you quickly recognize that the child is in respiratory distress as his lips are cyanotic and the use of accessory muscles is evident.
As the child suddenly started to breathe heavily and has cyanotic lips, we can suspect him of an upper respiraoty tract obstruction. And cyanosis indicates that the obstruction has reached a late stage, so he is hypoxic; this is a late sigh of pulmonary distress. Attempts are to be made to allow immediate inflow of air(by head tilt chin lift) so as to increase his O2 level. The obstruction caused him to put more effort on breathing, hence the use of his assessory muscles is evident. It may also be a case of anaphylaxis.
Rapid assessment would include:
Airway - Free airway to be maintained; Mouth and tongue to be checked for redness or swelling
Breathing - Check for Wheezing, Stridor or any other sound if present
Respiration - Check for Tachypnea, Bradypnea or apnea
Skin - Check for skin colour, Pale skin signifies respiratory distress
Circulation - Check for Brachial Pulse
SBAR Report
Name: Jonah Age: 2 years
Reason for Admission : Loud Breathing and Cyanotic Lips
(Since i can’t find any backgroud information in the question, i’ll proceed forward. Else, please include background history of the patient here.)
Anyone accompanying the patient - Mother
Vitals to be included here. Cyanosis indicates decrasing O2 level.
1. Patient to be kept in prone position for more than 4 hours
2. Low tidal volume Ventillation if problem persists