
In: Nursing

•30 year old women with complaints chest pain, fever, congestion, and a bad cough that sometimes...

•30 year old women with complaints chest pain, fever, congestion, and a bad cough that sometimes produces a discolored sputum.Stated symptoms started occurring last week, after she returned home from an extended visit of family and friends in India.Indicated that while in India, she had an emergency appendectomy to remove her appendix. But was only in the hospital a few days. Looking over the surgical wound all looks good.

please don't answer this question unless you know the complete answers to the case study form below.This case study is for nursing class.

Below is the Case Study Form:

Patient History:

Patient #:_______________________




Family History/Preconditions:

Relevant Recent History:

Signs and Symptoms:




Causative Organism(s):_________________

Modes of Transmission:_________________



Virulence Factor:

Mechanism of Virulence Factor:


Drug Name:__________________________

Class of Drug:________________________


Type of Admission:____________________

Potential Side Effects of Drug Treatment:

Mechanism of Treatment:

Lab Work:

Type of Sample Received:_______________


Test(s) To Determine Causative Organism:

Positive Results of Test(s):


Expert Solution

Patient history:

Patient name-------

Patient age: 30 yrs

Patient sex: female

Precondition: appendectomy done

Relevant recent history about signs and symptoms are;

Fever, chest pain, congestion, severe cough with discoloured sputum.


Causative organism: staphylococcus aureus

Mode of transmission: it is transmitted through airborne. It can be hosted by contaminated items such as food, water, medication, devices and equipments.

Prevention: it can be prevented through cross contamination or colonization via hands of health personnel, appropriate disinfection or sterilization of respiratory therapy devices, use of available vaccines to protect against respiratory infection.

Mechanism of virulence factor: s. Aureus will activate the infection characterized by inflammation dominated by polymorphonuclear leucocytes. This bacterium usually causes lung infection which is attributed to virulence factor.

Treatment: drug name: fluoroquinolone antibiotic therapy is mandatory for respiratory infection. E.g.. moxifloxacin or amoxicillin with clauvulanic acid.

Type of admission: emergency admission to treat respiratory infection like nosocomial pneumonia

Potential side effects of drug treatment: gastro intestinal reaction (nausea, dyspepsia, vomiting) and CNS reaction such as dizziness, insomnia and head ache.

Type of sample received: sputum sample, blood test for culture and also chest x-ray

Test to determine causative organism:smear test for both s. Aureus and s. Pneumoniae

Positive results of test: s. Aureus

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