
In: Biology

25 year old person with complaints like chest pain. She is also experiencing fever, congestion. She...

25 year old person with complaints like chest pain. She is also experiencing fever, congestion. She is having bad cough and she produces a discolored sputum.sometimes she had this signs and symptoms since last week, after she returned Unites sates(home) from her trip to asia. She mentioned that, she did an emergency appendectomy to remove her appendix while she was in Asia. But she stayed in hospital for only few days. the surgical wound all looks fine.•seems like she's having pneumonia ((maybe it's good idea to take a culture to send to the lab for bacterial identification)only answer the question if you have all the answers for the case stufy form below.

Below is the Case Study Form:

Patient History:

Patient #:_______________________

Family History/Preconditions:

Relevant Recent History:

Signs and Symptoms:



pain scale(comments):


Causative Organism(s):_________________

Modes of Transmission:_________________



Virulence Factor:

Mechanism of Virulence Factor:


Drug Name:__________________________

Class of Drug:________________________


Type of Admission:____________________

Potential Side Effects of Drug Treatment:

Mechanism of Treatment:

Lab Work

Type of Sample Received:_______________


Test(s) To Determine Causative Organism:

Positive Results of Test(s):


Expert Solution


Causative Organism(s):The causative organisms can be bacteria, viruses or fungi. Bacterial pneumonia is the most common. The bacteria that can cause pneumonia include streptococcus pneumoniae. Klebsiella pneumoniae infections are associated with hospital. As the patient has recent history of hospital stay, Klebsiella pneumoniae can be the causative agent

Modes of Transmission: Entry through the respiratory tract. Mode of transmission is through direct contact between person and bacteria.

Prevention: Following strict hygiene conditions, precautions by health care personnel while handling patients, change of gloves, masks etc while examining every other patient. (As this bacteria is associated with nosocomial infection)

Virulence Factor: Lipopolysaccharides and capsulopolysaccharides of Klebsiella pneumoniae are the virulence factors.

Mechanism of Virulence Factor: The virulence factors make the bacteria resistant to phagocytosis and to immune response.


Drug Name: Cephalosporin antibiotic such as ceftazidime, cefepime; fluoroquinolone antibiotics such as levofloxacin, norfloxacin, gatifloxacin, moxifloxacin and ciprofloxacin.

Class of Drug:- Cephalosporins, fluoroquinolone

Type of Admission: Intravenous administration.

Potential Side Effects of Drug Treatment: Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and rash. Abnormal liver function can be observed in prolonged use of ciprofloxacin.

Mechanism of Treatment: Ciprofloxacin acts by inhibiting bacterial DNA gyrase and topoisomerases

Lab Work

Type of Sample Received:-blood, urine, sputum and pleural fluid can act as sample

Test(s) To Determine Causative Organism: - Positive results to be tested for Lactose test, urease test, Vogus Proskauer and methyl red tests. Negative results for Indole and hydrogen sulfie tests

Positive Results of Test(s): Gram negative, rod shaped, lacyose fermenting bacterium with positive urease, vogus proskauer and methyl red test.

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