In: Nursing
Your patient is a 42-year-old female that arrives in the ED with complaints of fever and not feeling well. She is currently undergoing chemotherapy for bladder cancer. She has an indwelling urinary catheter with scant amount of dark, foul smelling urine. She has a temperature of 102.2F, HR 136, BP 110/50 and RR 28. She is allergic to penicillin and Sulfa.
The patient is experiencing septic shock because of urinary tract infection and patient with cancer are particularly suceptible to develop sepsis.
Interventions-UTI are is easy to treat with antibiotics.
patient need to drink plenty of water to flush the urinary tract.
Doctor will monitor the patient closely to check how they respond to antibiotics.
Doctor may prescribe vasopressors which construct the bloos vessels and increase BP to keep their organs from shutting down due to septic shock.
Wiping from front to back after using the toilet is necessary to prevent infection.
Wahsing the hands before and after using the toilet is necessary.
Patient need to wear cotton underwear,drink plenty of water.
Urinating immediately after sexual activity is necessary to prevent infection.
Patient should not wait longer than necessary to urinate.
Bactrim is a common drug used for urinary tract infection.Minimal gastro intestinal disturbances and skin allergic reactions may notice during conception of this drug