In: Psychology
In lifespan prespective , develoment is multidimensional and continously process.lifespan is whole life process through which develoment is carried out.Lifespan prespctive views on human development is human development is determined by multiple aspects and framework.By Aspects we mean here everything that a person goes in whole life process like school, socio-economic status, genetics family etc.In Framework, we describe , How we understand the various aspects .Aspects are like building block and framework is how we put them together.For example, if all our aspects deals with genetics , DNA, Celluer growth, then we have framework that we deal with internal mechanism.
The lifespan prespective examine the human development from birth to death.Its also carefully investigate diffrent developmental stage and change of physiological, psychological, socio-economic and emotional.The lifespan prespective uses multiple framework to understand how each aspects affects in human development.
1. The first framework of human development is multidimensional develoment .By understanding multidimensional , we percive that our mind, body , emotion are always changing and affect each other. Biological , emotional and Cognitive change also understand through develoment process.
2. in 2nd framwork of human development is multidirectional .
Here develoment is invloved in growth and decline. For example, During Adolocent, child increased muscles and verbal skill in huge amount but in old stage , his muscles, bones , physicallly strength as well as verbal skill also gradually decreasing.
3. The thrid framework see human development as plastic which means ability to change of human development.human have ability to change certain personality traits like weight, mental level, Physical strength, emotional statblity etc.
4. In fourth framework describe that human development is Historical and contextual .both are used interchangly I'm life span prespctive.Human develoment also affects through peergroup, family, socio-economic and cultural factors.