
In: Nursing

In Occupational Therapy, how can you modify jenga game to meet the need for community based/transition19...

In Occupational Therapy, how can you modify jenga game to meet the need for community based/transition19 year old working on bulidimg job skills?


Expert Solution

occupational therapy is a branch of health care that helps people of all ages who have physical , sensory , cognitive problems . this help with barriers that affect persons emotional , social , and physical needs.

this also helps kids to play , improove school performance , aid their daily activities

peopls develop fine motor skills so they can grasp and release substances , helps to develop good handwriting and computer skills

improove eye hand cordination , so that they can play games like bat ball and also help in copy from a blackboard

basic life skills like bathing , dressing , brushing teeth , self feeding are improoved.

occupational therapy helps in peoples with birth injury , learning problems , autism , juvenile rheumatoid arthritis , developmental delays ,post surgical conditions . burns , spina bifida , cancer , cerebral palsy ....

occupational therapy helps in fine motor skills (small muscle movements like grasping , pinching ...)

visual perception skills

thinking skills

sensory processing problems

jenga is a game of physical skill . player takes turn removing one block at a time from a tower constructed of 54 blocks . each block is removed and placed on top of tower , creating progressively unstable stucture.

each block is 3 times as long as its wide , and one fifth as thick as its length.

once the tower is built , the person who built the tower gets first move. moving in jenga means taking one and only one block from any level except the one below the incomplete top level. and place it on topmost level to complete it .only one hand is used at a time when taking blocks from the lower part. the game ends when tower falls or if any piece fall from the tower othervthan the piecde being knocked out to move to top. the winner is the last person to remove and place a block sussessfully.

this game helps the people to develop a fine skills , and helps to develop fine focussed movements of hands , and hand eye cordination...

some of variants of this game are  

uno stacko - here the blocks are coloured green , red , yellow , blue , numbered from 0 to 9 and there are some action blocks. each player pulls a block with colour or number of previously stacked block.

jenga truth - adult variation of junga . look like regular jenga except there were three coloures of block instead of just natural colour of jenga .

casino jenga

jenga xtreme

this can be used in some other ways to improove the skills like modify the pieces a little , write various small excersise or tasks on each one , so that those who are getting the partcular block has to do the task such as jumping , dancing , singing , writing , drawing , bouncing balls , but we should encourage them todo , mentioned in block, it will imprrove them physicaly and mentally also.

this game improove the impulse controlling , imprrove attetion , sportmanship...

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