
In: Economics

how do you think the global public health community can be more effective in addressing Gender-based...

how do you think the global public health community can be more effective in addressing Gender-based violence (GBV)?


Expert Solution

Before going to the actual answer, let me tell you what gender based violence is.
Gender based violence(GBV) means, it's a violation of human rights and a form of discrimination against a particular gender, especially on women. It is very unfortunate that, just by the virtue of being women, they are being ill-treated in many places around the world. There are different ways in which it is happening around the world. Some of the ways of GBV in the current world are:
Domestic violence, rape, violence against rape victims, marital rape, honor killings, dowry violence, forced marriage, acid attacks, sexual assaults on college campuses and work places, restrictions on freedom of movement, human trafficking and forced prostitution, mistreatment of widows, forced abortions, and so on.
Some of the ways in which global public health community can be more effective in addressing the problem of GBV are:
Preventing the GBV must be the key priority of the global health community.

1. Increasing women's economic empowerment enhances equal opportunities for women in all the activities of the society. This can be done by increasing their education levels.

2.Increasing women's political participation. Women must be given equal rights to participate and contest for different positions in all the levels of the society.This can be done by reserving half of the positions for women.

3.Increasing sexual and reproductive health rights of women would help in curbing GBV. These kind of rights include protection of women's right to take decision freely over matters related to their reproduction health, sexuality and family planning etc.

4. Women must be educated regarding all the rights they have in the society and regarding the grievance redressal mechanism.

6.The government must ensure effective implementation of the laws and policies on Gender based violence.

I think these steps would help in addressing the GBV in more effective way.

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