
In: Nursing

Why would an 8 year old burn victim need occupational and physical therapy?

Why would an 8 year old burn victim need occupational and physical therapy?


Expert Solution

Why would an 8 year old burn victim need occupational and physical therapy.

Any children which is burn victim needs occupational therapy and physical therapy due to the following reasons:

1.After burn scarring leads to very adverse effects including limitation of normal functions and mobility,growth restrictions, bad appearance and other adverse psychological effects. Scar burn therapy includes several parts like oedema management, exercise, splinting,positioning,skin care and massaging.

2. Injury can leads to several functional, social and psychological impairments in children. So there is much more need of occupational and physical therapy.

3.Children have a smaller body than adults, with a greater body surface area in relation to their weight. Burns can leave a children with severely debilitating and deforming contractures, which can lead to significant disability when left untreated.

4. Burn injury therapy is not to be undertaken by individuals, but should involve a multidisciplinary team so that every aspect of the child’s physical, psychological, and social needs is met during hospitalization and following discharge. Complex social issues often impact the delivery of a child’s care and, therefore, require skilled personnel to manage adjustment to hospitalization. The occupational and physical therapy of pediatric patients with burn injuries starts from the day of injury, lasts for several years, and requires a multidisciplinary effort. A comprehensive therapy is essential to decrease the patient’s post-traumatic effects and improve functional independence.

5. Burn injury in children can hypermetabolic and catabolic state characterized by increases in tachycardia, insulin resistance, negative muscle protein balance, decrease in bone mass, and growth delay.

6. Children with burns of more than 30-40% of their total body surface area demonstrate a negative lean body mass (LBM) balance for at least 9 months after trauma.

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