In: Computer Science
Provide reasoning
Problem 2: The mouse and the cheese A mouse starts at the bottom left corner of a grid as shown below, and takes a path on the grid of exactly 7 moves, each of which is either UP or to the RIGHT.
Consider the set A of all paths that will bring the mouse to a cheese. Call these paths the good paths. We are interested in finding |A|, i.e. the number of good paths.
(a) Describe a set B of binary words with a special property such that there is a bijection between A and B. Hint: Think of UP as 0 and RIGHT as 1. Your answer should describe the set B very clearly.
(b) Find |A| by finding |B|. Hint: Consider the addition rule by breaking B into two categories of words based on the number of 1s in them.
A Maze is given as N*N binary matrix of blocks where source block is the upper left most block i.e., maze[0][0] and destination block is lower rightmost block i.e., maze[N-1][N-1]. A rat starts from source and has to reach the destination. The rat can move only in two directions: forward and down.
In the maze matrix, 0 means the block is a dead end and 1 means the block can be used in the path from source to destination. Note that this is a simple version of the typical Maze problem. For example, a more complex version can be that the rat can move in 4 directions and a more complex version can be with a limited number of moves.
Following is an example maze.
{1, 0, 0, 0}
{1, 1, 0, 0}
{0, 1, 0, 0}
{0, 1, 1, 1}
All enteries in solution path are marked as 1.
Backtracking Algorithm: Backtracking is an algorithmic-technique for solving problems recursively by trying to build a solution incrementally. Solving one piece at a time, and removing those solutions that fail to satisfy the constraints of the problem at any point of time (by time, here, is referred to the time elapsed till reaching any level of the search tree) is the process of backtracking.
Approach: Form a recursive function, which will follow a path and check if the path reaches the destination or not. If the path does not reach the destination then backtrack and try other paths.
Create a solution matrix, initially filled with 0’s.
Create a recursive funtion, which takes initial matrix, output
matrix and position of rat (i, j).
if the position is out of the matrix or the position is not valid
then return.
Mark the position output[i][j] as 1 and check if the current
position is destination or not. If destination is reached print the
output matrix and return.
Recursively call for position (i+1, j) and (i, j+1).
Unmark position (i, j), i.e output[i][j] = 0.
/* C/C++ program to solve Rat in
a Maze problem using backtracking */
#include <stdio.h>
// Maze size
#define N 4
bool solveMazeUtil(
int maze[N][N], int x,
int y, int sol[N][N]);
/* A utility function to print
solution matrix sol[N][N] */
void printSolution(int sol[N][N])
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
printf(" %d ", sol[i][j]);
/* A utility function to check if x,
y is valid index for N*N maze */
bool isSafe(int maze[N][N], int x, int y)
// if (x, y outside maze) return false
if (
x >= 0 && x < N && y >= 0
&& y < N && maze[x][y] == 1)
return true;
return false;
/* This function solves the Maze problem
using Backtracking. It mainly uses
solveMazeUtil() to solve the problem.
It returns false if no path is possible,
otherwise return true and prints the path
in the form of 1s. Please note that there
may be more than one solutions, this
function prints one of the feasible
bool solveMaze(int maze[N][N])
int sol[N][N] = { { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 } };
if (solveMazeUtil(
maze, 0, 0, sol)
== false) {
printf("Solution doesn't exist");
return false;
return true;
/* A recursive utility function
to solve Maze problem */
bool solveMazeUtil(
int maze[N][N], int x,
int y, int sol[N][N])
// if (x, y is goal) return true
if (
x == N - 1 && y == N - 1
&& maze[x][y] == 1) {
sol[x][y] = 1;
return true;
// Check if maze[x][y] is valid
if (isSafe(maze, x, y) == true) {
// mark x, y as part of solution path
sol[x][y] = 1;
/* Move forward in x direction */
if (solveMazeUtil(
maze, x + 1, y, sol)
== true)
return true;
/* If moving in x direction
doesn't give solution then
Move down in y direction */
if (solveMazeUtil(
maze, x, y + 1, sol)
== true)
return true;
/* If none of the above movements
work then BACKTRACK: unmark
x, y as part of solution path */
sol[x][y] = 0;
return false;
return false;
// driver program to test above function
int main()
int maze[N][N] = { { 1, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 1, 1, 0, 1 },
{ 0, 1, 0, 0 },
{ 1, 1, 1, 1 } };
return 0;
The 1 values show the path for rat
1 0 0 0
1 1 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 1 1 1
Complexity Analysis:
Time Complexity: O(2^(n^2)).
The recursion can run upperbound 2^(n^2) times.
Space Complexity: O(n^2).
Output matrix is required so an extra space of size n*n is