
In: Computer Science

Write in Racket language. Write a non-recursive Racket function called "keep-short-norec" that takes an integer and...

Write in Racket language.

Write a non-recursive Racket function called "keep-short-norec" that takes an integer and a list of strings as parameters and evaluates to a list of strings. The resulting list should be all strings on the original list, maintaining their relative order, whose string length is less than the integer parameter. For example, (keep-short-rec 3 '('abc' 'ab' 'a')) should evaluate to '('ab''a') because these are the only strings shorter than 3.


Expert Solution



#lang racket
(define (keep-short-rec n lst)
; if the list is null, return null
(cond ((null? lst) null)
; if the length of the first string in the list is less than n,
; then return a new list which is made up of first string in the list and return value of (keep-short-rec n (cdr lst))
((< (string-length (car lst)) n) (cons (car lst) (keep-short-rec n (cdr lst))))
; if the length of the first string in the list is greater than or equal to n,
; return (keep-short-rec n (cdr lst))
(else (keep-short-rec n (cdr lst)))

; testing the keep-short-rec function
(keep-short-rec 3 '("abc" "ab" "a"))
(keep-short-rec 4 '("abcde" "ab" "a" "abcdefghij" "abcdef" "abc"))

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