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Write in Racket Language Write a recursive Racket function "all-same" that takes a string as a...

Write in Racket Language

Write a recursive Racket function "all-same" that takes a string as a parameter and evaluates to true iff every character in the string is the same. Note: A string of length 0 or 1 should also evaluate to true.


Expert Solution


  • Racket is a universally useful, multi-worldview programming language dependent on the Scheme vernacular of Lisp. It is intended to be a stage for programming language plan and execution.Racket is likewise utilized for scripting, software engineering training, and exploration.
  • Racket is what is known as a practical programming language. It treats capacities, factors and numbers in a way fundamentally the same as math, which makes grasping system conduct simpler for understudies with practically zero programming foundation.
  • It's a decent language for a novice class since it's incredibly straightforward - the sentence structure can be completely canvassed in no time flat.
  • It likewise helps even the odds between absolute tenderfoots and individuals with some programming experience, since individuals may know some Python or Java yet presumably haven't contacted Lisp

str : string

  • A recursive function is a function that calls itself during its execution. The function Count() underneath utilizes recursion to tally from any number somewhere in the range of 1 and 9, to the number 10. For instance, Count(1) would restore 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Count(7) would restore 8,9,10.
  • Recursive functions can be utilized to understand undertakings in exquisite manners. At the point when a capacity calls itself, that is known as a recursion step. The premise of recursion is work contentions that make the undertaking so basic that the capacity doesn't settle on additional decisions.
  • A string is a fixed-length exhibit of characters.. A string can be variable or immutable.When a permanent string is given to a method like string-set!, the exn:fail:contract exemption is raised.
  • Returns another rundown of characters coresponding to the substance of str. That is, the length of the rundown is in The Racket Guide presents strings. A string is a fixed-length cluster of characters.
  • A string can be alterable or immutable.When a changeless string is given to a method like string-set!, the exn:fail:contract special case is raised.
  • The stunt here is planning over the rundown of images got as info, changing over every one thus to a string, dealing with including a blank area Measure out the string.
  • Start by slicing 35 to 40 feet (10.7 to 12.2 m) (10 to 12 m) of new string off a spool. For a fundamental 95 square-inch racquet with an essential intersection design, you'll likely need around 38 feet (11.6 m) of string to complete the activity.

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