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Find an example of an experimental and a quasi-experimental study using the SUO library. Download the...

Find an example of an experimental and a quasi-experimental study using the SUO library. Download the full-text version of the articles from the library, and then read and summarize the studies. In addition, explain the differences between experimental and quasi-experimental studies, using the examples you found as ways to illustrate your points.


Expert Solution

Both experiement and quasi experimental research design study subjects who are subjected to some type of treatment conditions, whose result is measured and is analyased on whether the difference in the outcome are related to the initial treatment or not. However, both type of research design differ on few upfronts. The Quasi experimental research resembles experimental research but dissociate itself from the latter in many ways. The Independent variable in quasi experiment is well controlled before its effect on the dependent variable is studied. However, the selection of the participants for the research design in quasi experiement is not random, which does not eliminate the problem of confounding variables. On the other hand, experimental research design, the subjects are randomly assigned to either treatment or control group.

For example, if a researcher has to study whether the relation between the corportation's subsidized child care policies would promote employment in new mothers. The researcher would design an experiment where some subjects would be randomly assigned and would be given the benefits of child care policies (treatment group) and other would not receive any such facilities(control group).The researchers can additionally design the experiement to manipulate the value of child care benefits in order to see the relation between the resume in material employment and its levels. This is an example of experimental design.

Example of a Quasi experiment is as follows. For example, a researche r wants to study the attitude of students towards bullying. Students are given a pretest on attitude towards bullying, exposed to a bullying situation and then finally given a posttest measuring their attitude towards bullying. Students in the same school are given a pretest on attitude towards bullying, are not exposed to a bullying situation and finally given a post test on attitude on bullying.If the students on the treatment group become more negative towards those who bully and bullying in general, this could be an effect of the treatment, but it could also be an effect of maturation. This type of inferences on initial level can create a possibility of the development of confounding variable in quasi experiment.Thus it becomes increasingly important to monitor the chances of confounding or false variable in quasi experiments.


Cook, T. D., & Campbell, D. T. (1979). Quasi-experimentation: Design & analysis issues in field settings. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.

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