
In: Nursing

Identify interventions that incorporate pharmacologic and non pharmacologic treatments for an individual with GI disorders.

Identify interventions that incorporate pharmacologic and non pharmacologic treatments for an individual with GI disorders.


Expert Solution

Phramacologic interventions for GI disorder:

  • H2- blockers help to reduce the acid level in the body. Ex rantidine.
  • Proton pump inhibitors also help to reduce the formation of acid levels in the stomach. Ex lanzoprazole.
  • Motilin agonist have the strong prokinetic properties in the stomach. But also reduce accomodation Ex erythromycin.
  • Prokinetic agents commonly used to treat Functional gastrointestinal disorder. Ex aloctron.
  • Anti depressants such as try cyclic anti depressants, serotonin reuptake inhibitors improve the symptoms like depression, anxiety and seizures.
  • Anti biotics are used to reduce the GI problem's.
  • Antiemetics such as due to blockers, carticostroids.

Non pharmacological interventions for GI disorder:

  • Therapy are play an important role in the non pharmacological interventions for GI diaodiso. It includes psycho therapy, behaviour therapy , hypno therapy, relaxation therapy, bio feedback therapy, complementary therapy.
  • Diet:
  1. Low fat diet.
  2. Protein rich diet.
  3. Rich fiber diet
  • Advice the client not to take gastric irritation substance such as spicey food.
  • Avoid insuries to GI system.

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