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How to summorize this article Immunonutrition: Role in Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration

How to summorize this article

Immunonutrition: Role in Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration


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How to summorize this article

Immunonutrition: Role in Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration


Regulatory Roles of the Immune Response in Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration Settings. The immune system plays a significant role in the natural process of wound healing, and thus immune cells and factors produced by these cells are also involved in the host response to tissue regeneration strategies

The role of immunonutrition in wound healing has been an area of both interest and controversy for many years. Although deficiencies in certain nutrients have long been known to impair healing, supplementation of specific immune modulating nutrients has not consistently yielded improvements in wound healing. Still, the prospect of optimizing nutrition to assist the immune system in wound repair bears great significance in both medical and surgical fields, as the costs of wound care and repair cannot be ignored. Recent Advances: Recent studies have rekindled efforts to elucidate the roles of specific immunonutrients, and we now have a better understanding of the conditionally essential role of various nutrients such as arginine, which becomes essential in certain clinical situations such as for the trauma patient or patients at high risk for malnutrition. Immunonutrition in its current formulation usually includes supplementation with arginine, glutamine, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and trace minerals, and its use has often been associated with decreased infectious complications and sometimes with improvements in wound healing. Critical Issues: A key to understanding the role of immunonutrition in wound healing is recognizing the distinct contributions and importance of the various elements utilized. Future Directions: Critical areas for future study include identifying the specific populations, timing, and ideal composition of immunomodulating diets in order to optimize the wound healing process

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