In: Psychology
The family is seeing a vast change in the present senario of United states. In a previous geneeration a family was thought along with the children and parents. The whole concept have senn a greater shift gradually. The concept of children is almost denied. the couples at present generation does not look for children due to many reasons like financial constraints, difficulty to raise them and the the complex of issues in child rearing. The conept of family too is having graeter change in the current semraio as the rate of divorce is incraeesing at an alarmong rate. People tenmd not to engage in long term reltionships. Another major change is the government and the measures initaiative by the giovernment for the welfare of the people. Many of the wonderful welfare programs that were offered by the Obama government was taken away including the obamam care. Measures to check the racisam and the differentiation to the balck and other community in Us had also seen a greater difference. the cultural pluraslism is also seen at a stake due to certain measures of the government. So the pecae cituvation in the country is also at stake. these are the major changes in Us at the socila institution of family and government.