
In: Computer Science

This is my coded "multipath adventure" that I created. Now I have to modify it to...

This is my coded "multipath adventure" that I created. Now I have to modify it to include loops but I am really struggling to do so. Below are the instructions and my current code that needs to be modified. Thank you in advance!

  • You must have at least 1 for loop in your code
    • The for loop must actually be used as a loop, and it must have real effect in your program (it is theoretically possible to use the for loop syntax without actually using it as a loop or creating any real effect, but if you do this you will lose points)
  • You must have at least 1 while loop in your code
    • The note on for loops above applies equally to this deduction regarding while loops
  • You must have at least 1 instance of rand() in your code
    • Your use of rand() must have real effect in your program (it is possible to use rand() to generate a random number without actually using the random number, but if you do this you will lose points
  • The above are REQUIREMENTS and below are just some SUGGESTIONS
    • Use a while loop to enable the player to play your game multiple times
    • Create an input function that utilizes a loop to prompt for and validate user input
      • Takes a prompt (string) as the argument
      • Returns the valid input (string)
    • For the requirement to use at least 1 for loop:
      • Consider using for loop(s) to draw box or stars around prompt in your input function (see above)
    • For the requirement to use at least 1 instance of rand():
      • Consider including a randomized process in your game, such as rolling a die, and using rand() to simulate the process
      • Consider including a point where the game randomly selects between multiple possible descriptions. For example, you could have the game randomly decide whether to describe the weather as "sunny" or "rainy".

using namespace std;

string getChoice1()

string choice1;

cout << "You wake up on the weekend and you don't know what to do. Do you..." << endl;
cout << "a. Be responsible and get some homework done" << endl;
cout << "b. Start watching some TV" << endl;

cin >> choice1;

return choice1;


string getChoice4()

string choice4;

cout << "Good job! Now you must choose which homework to do! Do you want..." << endl;
cout << "a. Computer Science" << endl;
cout << "b. Work on another subject" << endl;

cin >> choice4;

return choice4;


void getChoice5(string choice4, string &choice5)

if (choice4 == "b")

cout << "That's alright. But what other subject do you want to do?" << endl;
cout << "a) Research design and analysis" << endl;
cout << "b) IT&C" << endl;

cin >> choice5;



void getChoice2(string &choice2)

cout << "That's okay! What should you watch?"; cout << "a) Reality TV" << endl;
cout << "b) a movie" << endl;

cin >> choice2;


void getChoice3(string &choice3)

cout << "Cool. Now you must choose which show to watch. Do you want to watch..." << endl;
cout << "a) The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City" << endl;
cout << "b) Criminal Minds" << endl;

cin >> choice3;


int main ()

string choice1,choice2,choice3,choice4,choice5;

choice1 = getChoice1();

if (choice1 == "a")

choice4 = getChoice4();


if (choice4 == "a")

cout << "Perfect. You sit down and begin your main lab 4 for CS 142. THE END" << endl;

return 0;



if (choice5 == "a")

cout << "Sounds good. You sit down and begin module 3. THE END." << endl;

return 0;


else if(choice5=="b")

cout << "Ok. You begin your quiz for IT&C. THE END." << endl;

return 0;


if (choice1 == "b")



if (choice2 == "b")

cout << "Great choice! You decide to stay in bed and watch a movie. THE END" << endl;

return 0;





if (choice3 == "b")

cout << "Great! You end up watching Criminal Minds! THE END" << endl;



cout << "You end up trying to watch RHSL but find out it has not come out yet so you end up going with option b anyways. THE END" << endl;




Expert Solution

#include <bits/stdc++.h> //this header is used for the rand() function......
using namespace std;
const int MAX = 2; // MAX is a global variable used while implementing rand()
char arr[MAX] = {'a','b'};
string getChoice1()

string choice1;

cout << "You wake up on the weekend and you don't know what to do. Do you..." << endl;
cout << "a. Be responsible and get some homework done" << endl;
cout << "b. Start watching some TV" << endl;

choice1=arr[rand() % MAX]; // the function in RHS generates a random character either 'a' or 'b' and gets stored in the LHS variable.
cout<<"Random choice: " + choice1 <<endl;

return choice1;


string getChoice4()

string choice4;

cout << "Good job! Now you must choose which homework to do! Do you want..." << endl;
cout << "a. Computer Science" << endl;
cout << "b. Work on another subject" << endl;

choice4=arr[rand() % MAX];
cout<<"Random choice: " + choice4 <<endl;

return choice4;


void getChoice5(string choice4, string &choice5)

if (choice4 == "b")

cout << "That's alright. But what other subject do you want to do?" << endl;
cout << "a) Research design and analysis" << endl;
cout << "b) IT&C" << endl;

choice5=arr[rand() % MAX];
cout<<"Random choice: " + choice5 <<endl;



void getChoice2(string &choice2)

cout << "That's okay! What should you watch?" << endl;
cout << "a) Reality TV" << endl;
cout << "b) a movie" << endl;

choice2=arr[rand() % MAX];
cout<<"Random choice: " + choice2 <<endl;


void getChoice3(string &choice3)

cout << "Cool. Now you must choose which show to watch. Do you want to watch..." << endl;
cout << "a) The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City" << endl;
cout << "b) Criminal Minds" << endl;

choice3=arr[rand() % MAX];
cout<<"Random choice: " + choice3 <<endl;


int main ()
string again;
string choice1,choice2,choice3,choice4,choice5;
while(1) //while loop is used to play the game as many times you 'y' to play again, else 'n'
choice1 = getChoice1();

if (choice1 == "a")

choice4 = getChoice4();


if (choice4 == "a")

cout << "Perfect. You sit down and begin your main lab 4 for CS 142. THE END" << endl;
goto play_again;



if (choice5 == "a")

cout << "Sounds good. You sit down and begin module 3. THE END." << endl;
goto play_again;


else if(choice5=="b")

cout << "Ok. You begin your quiz for IT&C. THE END." << endl;
goto play_again;


if (choice1 == "b")



if (choice2 == "b")

cout << "Great choice! You decide to stay in bed and watch a movie. THE END" << endl;
goto play_again;





if (choice3 == "b")

cout << "Great! You end up watching Criminal Minds! THE END" << endl;
goto play_again;



cout << "You end up trying to watch RHSL but find out it has not come out yet so you end up going with option b anyways. THE END" << endl;
goto play_again;


cout<<"Want to play again? y or n"<<endl;
cin>> again;
if (again == "n")

return 0;


Here I am attaching a screenshot of result for your reference.

All the choices were chosen randomly. You just need to make a choice after each iteration i.e whether you want to play again or not.

changes made to your code:

-> use of return(0) statement in every conditional block terminated the program there itself.Hence, while loop failed to work.

-> use of rand() function to make random choices.

-> use of goto statements according to requirement.

This code makes the game completely automatic. If you want to make a specific part as automatic then make necessary changes. If you need any help, Please make me know in the comment box.

Thank you.

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