
In: Computer Science

This is the code I have. My problem is my output includes ", 0" at the...

This is the code I have. My problem is my output includes ", 0" at the end and I want to exclude that.

// File: main.cpp

/*---------- BEGIN - DO NOT EDIT CODE ----------*/
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

using index_t = int;
using num_count_t = int;
using isConnected_t = bool;
using sum_t = int;

const int MAX_SIZE = 100;

// Global variable to be used to count the recursive calls.
int recursiveCount = 0;

// Function prototypes.
isConnected_t isFileOpenForInput(ifstream& ifs, const string& filename);
num_count_t loadNumbersFromFile(ifstream& ifs, int numbers[]);
void displayNumbers(const int numbers[], const int length);
sum_t sumOfNumbers(const int numbers[], const int length);

int main() {
ifstream ifs;
int numbers[MAX_SIZE];

if ( !isFileOpenForInput(ifs, "numbers.txt") ) {
cerr << "Error opening file for reading." << endl;

cout << setw(26) << "Numbers: ";
int length = loadNumbersFromFile(ifs, numbers);

displayNumbers(numbers, length);
cout << endl
<< setw(26) << "The sum of all values is: " << sumOfNumbers(numbers, length);
cout << endl;
return 0;
}// end main()
/*---------- END - DO NOT EDIT CODE ----------*/

/* TODO (1):
* Implement the isFileOpenForInput() function.
* Open the connection to the filename and return the connection
* status.
isConnected_t isFileOpenForInput(ifstream &ifs, const string &filename)

return ifs.is_open();

/* TODO (2):
* Implement the loadNumbersFromFile() function.
* Read each number from the given stream and store
* it into the array.
* Return a count of the numbers read.

num_count_t loadNumbersFromFile(ifstream &ifs, int numbers[])
int count = 0;

while (!ifs.eof())
ifs >> numbers[count++];
return count;

void displayNumbers(const int numbers[], const int length) {
ostringstream oss;

oss << "[ ";
for (int i = 0; i <= length - 1; i++) {
oss << numbers[i] << ", ";
oss.seekp(-2, ios::end);
oss << " ]";

cout << oss.str();
}// end displayEmployees()

/* TODO (3):
* Implement the recursive sumOfNumbers() function.
* The function recursively adds all the elements of
* the array together.
* Upon entry increment the recursiveCount by 1. This
* will keep track of the number of times the function
* is called.
* Return the sum of all elements in the array.

sum_t sumOfNumbers(const int numbers[], const int length)
if (recursiveCount == length)

return 0;


return numbers[recursiveCount - 1] + sumOfNumbers(numbers, length);


Expert Solution

Code:- There is not much to change the output is correct. Go through the code below and ask if you have any doubts

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

using index_t = int;
using num_count_t = int;
using isConnected_t = bool;
using sum_t = int;

const int MAX_SIZE = 100;

// Global variable to be used to count the recursive calls.
int recursiveCount = 0;

// Function prototypes.
isConnected_t isFileOpenForInput(ifstream& ifs, const string& filename);
num_count_t loadNumbersFromFile(ifstream& ifs, int numbers[]);
void displayNumbers(const int numbers[], const int length);
sum_t sumOfNumbers(const int numbers[], const int length);

int main() {
ifstream ifs;
int numbers[MAX_SIZE];

if ( !isFileOpenForInput(ifs, "numbers.txt") ) {
cerr << "Error opening file for reading." << endl;

cout << "Numbers: ";
int length = loadNumbersFromFile(ifs, numbers);

displayNumbers(numbers, length);
cout << endl
<< setw(26) << "The sum of all values is: " << sumOfNumbers(numbers, length);
cout << endl;
return 0;
}// end main()
/*---------- END - DO NOT EDIT CODE ----------*/

/* TODO (1):
* Implement the isFileOpenForInput() function.
* Open the connection to the filename and return the connection
* status.
isConnected_t isFileOpenForInput(ifstream &ifs, const string &filename)

return ifs.is_open();

/* TODO (2):
* Implement the loadNumbersFromFile() function.
* Read each number from the given stream and store
* it into the array.
* Return a count of the numbers read.

num_count_t loadNumbersFromFile(ifstream &ifs, int numbers[])
int count = 0;

while (!ifs.eof())
ifs >> numbers[count++];
return count;

void displayNumbers(const int numbers[], const int length) {
ostringstream oss;

oss << "[ ";
for (int i = 0; i <= length - 1; i++) {
oss << numbers[i] << ", ";
oss.seekp(-2, ios::end);
oss << " ]";

cout << oss.str();
}// end displayEmployees()

/* TODO (3):
* Implement the recursive sumOfNumbers() function.
* The function recursively adds all the elements of
* the array together.
* Upon entry increment the recursiveCount by 1. This
* will keep track of the number of times the function
* is called.
* Return the sum of all elements in the array.

sum_t sumOfNumbers(const int numbers[], const int length)
if (recursiveCount == length)

return 0;


return numbers[recursiveCount - 1] + sumOfNumbers(numbers, length);



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