
In: Computer Science

I have created a method in java in my menu list and I have to put...

I have created a method in java in my menu list and I have to put all the work into the method but I cannot get it to print and am not sure where I am going wrong. this is my code:

public static void main(String[] args) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub

Scanner in = new Scanner(;

String fName = "";

String lName = "";

double hoursWorked;

double hourlyRate;

int optionOne = 1;

int optionTwo = 2;

int optionThree = 3;

int optionFour = 4;

int choice;

System.out.println("Calculator Menu");

System.out.println("1) Wage Calculator");

System.out.println("2) Coupon Calculator");

System.out.println("3) Roman Number Converter");

System.out.println("4) Exit");


System.out.println("Enter choice: ");

choice = in.nextInt();

switch(choice) {

case 1:

System.out.println("Enter first name: ");

fName =;

System.out.println("Enter last name: ");

lName =;

System.out.println("Enter hourly rate: ");

hourlyRate = in.nextDouble();

System.out.println("Enter hours worked: ");

hoursWorked = in.nextDouble();

System.out.printf("Name: " + fName + "," + lName);




case 2:

double purchaseAmount;

int purchaseType;

final double autoP = 1;

final double frag = 2;

final double acc = 3;

System.out.println("Enter purchase amount: ");

purchaseAmount = in.nextDouble(); {

System.out.println("Choose purchase type: ");

System.out.println("1) Auto Parts");

System.out.println("2) Fragrances");

System.out.println("3) Accessories");

purchaseType = in.nextInt();

} if (purchaseType == autoP) {

System.out.println("Your coupon is: $" + purchaseAmount*.10 + "(Auto Parts)");

} if (purchaseType == frag) {

System.out.println("Your coupon is: $" + purchaseAmount*.15 + "(Fragrances)");

} if (purchaseType == acc) {

System.out.println("Your coupon is: $" + purchaseAmount*.20 + "(Accessories)");



case 3:

double calc_wages;

System.out.println("No option right now");


case 4:

System.out.println("Thank you for using our program. Have a great day!");


// public static int convertRomanNumber(String str). {

// }


private static void wageCalculator() {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub

double hoursWorked = 0;

double hourlyRate = 0;

double overtimeHours;

double overtimePay = 0;

double regularPay = 0;

if (hoursWorked > 40) {

overtimeHours = hoursWorked - 40;

System.out.println("Overtime hours: " + overtimeHours);

overtimePay = overtimeHours*(1.5*hourlyRate);

System.out.println("Overtime Pay: " + overtimePay);

hoursWorked = 40;


regularPay = hourlyRate*hoursWorked;

System.out.println("Regular hours worked: " + hoursWorked);

System.out.println("Regular Pay: $" + regularPay);

System.out.printf("Total Pay $%.2f", regularPay + overtimePay);




Expert Solution



You were getting wrong output because you didn't pass hourlyRate,hoursWorked value to wageCalculator() method. You have to passed these values explicitly as these values are used in diiferent function( main() and wageCalculator()). To get Proper Output use wageCalculator(hourlyRate,hoursWorked); inside case 1

And Declare method as

private static void wageCalculator(double hourlyRate,double hoursWorked) {
       // TODO Auto-generated method stub
       double overtimeHours;
       double overtimePay = 0;
       double regularPay = 0;
       if (hoursWorked > 40) {
       overtimeHours = hoursWorked - 40;
       System.out.println("Overtime hours: " + overtimeHours);
       overtimePay = overtimeHours*(1.5*hourlyRate);
       System.out.println("Overtime Pay: " + overtimePay);
       hoursWorked = 40;
       regularPay = hourlyRate*hoursWorked;
       System.out.println("Regular hours worked: " + hoursWorked);
       System.out.println("Regular Pay: $" + regularPay);
       System.out.printf("Total Pay $%.2f", regularPay + overtimePay);


Full Code is Given Below:


import java.util.Scanner;

public class Menu {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       // TODO Auto-generated method stub
       Scanner in = new Scanner(;
       String fName = "";
       String lName = "";
       double hoursWorked;
       double hourlyRate;
       int optionOne = 1;
       int optionTwo = 2;
       int optionThree = 3;
       int optionFour = 4;
       int choice;
       System.out.println("Calculator Menu");
       System.out.println("1) Wage Calculator");
       System.out.println("2) Coupon Calculator");
       System.out.println("3) Roman Number Converter");
       System.out.println("4) Exit");
       System.out.println("Enter choice: ");
       choice = in.nextInt();
       switch(choice) {
       case 1:
       System.out.println("Enter first name: ");
       fName =;
       System.out.println("Enter last name: ");
       lName =;
       System.out.println("Enter hourly rate: ");
       hourlyRate = in.nextDouble();
       System.out.println("Enter hours worked: ");
       hoursWorked = in.nextDouble();
       System.out.printf("Name: " + fName + "," + lName);
       //passing values to function
       case 2:
       double purchaseAmount;
       int purchaseType;
       final double autoP = 1;
       final double frag = 2;
       final double acc = 3;
       System.out.println("Enter purchase amount: ");
       purchaseAmount = in.nextDouble(); {
       System.out.println("Choose purchase type: ");
       System.out.println("1) Auto Parts");
       System.out.println("2) Fragrances");
       System.out.println("3) Accessories");
       purchaseType = in.nextInt();
       } if (purchaseType == autoP) {
       System.out.println("Your coupon is: $" + purchaseAmount*.10 + "(Auto Parts)");
       } if (purchaseType == frag) {
       System.out.println("Your coupon is: $" + purchaseAmount*.15 + "(Fragrances)");
       } if (purchaseType == acc) {
       System.out.println("Your coupon is: $" + purchaseAmount*.20 + "(Accessories)");
       case 3:
       double calc_wages;
       System.out.println("No option right now");
       case 4:
       System.out.println("Thank you for using our program. Have a great day!");
       // public static int convertRomanNumber(String str). {

       // }
       private static void wageCalculator(double hourlyRate,double hoursWorked) {
       // TODO Auto-generated method stub
       double overtimeHours;
       double overtimePay = 0;
       double regularPay = 0;
       if (hoursWorked > 40) {
       overtimeHours = hoursWorked - 40;
       System.out.println("Overtime hours: " + overtimeHours);
       overtimePay = overtimeHours*(1.5*hourlyRate);
       System.out.println("Overtime Pay: " + overtimePay);
       hoursWorked = 40;
       regularPay = hourlyRate*hoursWorked;
       System.out.println("Regular hours worked: " + hoursWorked);
       System.out.println("Regular Pay: $" + regularPay);
       System.out.printf("Total Pay $%.2f", regularPay + overtimePay);





Code Snapshot:


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