
In: Psychology

I am doing a paper on stressors and my stressor is my job. I have had...

I am doing a paper on stressors and my stressor is my job. I have had an arguement with a superior who is know for being a bully, but i stood up to him and could end up unemployed. Having four kids, a wife, and bills to pay, this could be devastating. Using this stressor, what physiological changes occur in the brain due to the stress response? And what
emotional and cognitive effects might occur due to this stressful situation?


Expert Solution

Stress is our body's response while someone face a sense of danger. When we see the stressor some physical changes can occur automatically not only that emotional and cognitive effects can occur during the stressful situation.

Physical Changes

Some common changes can occur when someone is facing a stressor. These common physical changes are

  • Low level of body energy
  • Headache
  • Insomnia
  • Heart beats can be faster
  • Chest pain can occur
  • Heart attack and heart diseases can occur for a long-term presence of the stressor.
  • High level of blood pressure
  • Secretion of stress hormone like Adrenocorticotropic Hormone(ACTH)

Fight or Flight

According to DSM-4(Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders), The Fight OR Flight response can also occur due to this kind of stressful situation.The Sympathetic Nervous system of the body becomes activated when we face some stressful situation. So our body face some changes during the stressful situation. Fight or Flight response can prepare our body to resist this kind of situation.All the body changes mostly occurs during the Fight or Flight Response.

Emotional Effects of Stress

According to PNI research, an extreme stressful situation can lead to some emotional problems and can also responsible for some mental disorders like

  • Personality Disorder
  • General Anxiety Disorder
  • Panic Attack
  • Bipolar Mood Disorder

Not only that, Emotional disbalancy can also occur for facing a stressful situation. According to some significant researches, when a person suffers for a stressful situation, his emotional stability can damage.

Cognitive Effects

An extreme level of stress can hamper someone's cognitive development. Some common cognitive problems can be arise due to this stressful situation such as

  • Lack of Concentration Power
  • Feeling of Overwhelmed
  • Feeling of Lonliness
  • Lack of Interest in regular and favourite activities
  • Memory problem can also arise.

These all are the changes and effects of a stressful situation. Most of the symptoms are common in a stressful situation but the physical changes are depending on the potential of that stressful situation.

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