In: Statistics and Probability
a. Construct a regression model using all three independent variables. Let y be the final exam scores,x1 be the GPAs, x2 be the number of hours spent studying, and x3be the number of absences during the semester.
b.Calculate the multiple coefficient of determination
c.Test the significance of the overall regression model using significance=0.10
d.Calculate the adjusted multiple coefficent of determination
Score GPA Hours
67 2.53 3.0 0
68 2.25 4.0 3
69 2.60 2.5 1
71 3.11 0.5 0
75 3.08 6.0 4
76 2.74 3.5 6
76 3.36 1.5 0
78 2.98 3.0 3
78 2.99 2.0 3
80 2.83 2.5 2
80 2.79 4.5 0
83 3.46 7.0 1
82 3.24 3.0 1
83 3.14 3.0 4
83 3.19 5.5 0
85 2.96 2.0 0
83 2.71 4.0 1
84 3.19 4.5 3
84 3.73 2.0 0
85 3.56 3.5 2
85 2.91 6.0 1
85 3.06 6.5 1
86 3.16 5.0 3
88 3.90 7.5 4
87 3.54 4.0 0
90 3.34 6.5 1
88 3.66 5.0 0
89 2.88 3.5 1
91 3.41 6.0 1
92 3.20 4.5 2
91 3.80 7.0 0
91 3.92 6.0 2
92 3.99 5.0 0
91 3.59 6.5 1
93 2.97 4.0 2
93 3.27 6.5 0
97 2.88 3.5 0
100 3.74 5.0 1
101 3.48 6.5 1
101 3.00 7.0 0
a) The estimated regression equation is :
b) The multiple coefficient of determination R2 = 47.70%
c) To test the significance of the overall regression model,
against H1 : at least one of them is not zero
The value of the F statistic = 10.95 and P-value = 0
Since P-value < 0.10, so we reject H0 at 10% level of significance and we can conclude that overall model is significant.
d) The adjusted multiple coefficient of determination =